Broken Bottles And Broken Hearts ⨀

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: ANGST


Summary: Corpse just has a way of worrying Y/N halfway to death and dares to try and play it off like he's fine. To no one's surprise, Y/N isn't having it.


I get it. I completely get it. Why his fans are always so concerned and scared for him. I am too. Hell, his fans have it worse - they haven't met him in person so to decipher what he really means is an even bigger struggle to them. I have known this man for two years. Lived with him at one point while I was looking for my own place. I have spent hours kicking his ass in video games while sitting on the same couch as him. We've experimented dinners together. We've done all that shit, spent all that time together and yet here I am - watching his latest Instagram story for maybe the twentieth time, trying to gauge its meaning.

"Fuck your arbitrary numbers! Fuck you for making me lose my mind like this!" I unintentionally shout louder than I meant to and throw my phone on the bed behind me.

I am currently sitting on the ground with my back rested against the ottoman at the foot of my bed. This 'review' didn't start like that, though. I was having a perfectly normal morning, scrolling through my Insta feed as I waited for my curling wand to heat up. I came across Corpse's story and without as much as a second thought tapped on it. I was vaguely confused after the first time I watched it so I rewound it for a second look. You'd think the more time you spend looking and thinking about something, the closer you are to understanding it or figuring it out.

Well, Corpse said 'fuck that logic'!

My head's swimming with what-ifs and maybes. Guesses and assumptions. I want to brush it off but I can't. His fans are making a big deal about this as well so it's doubling the pressure that I've put on myself to crack the code of this story he's posted.

Silly me never realized there was another story following that one. So you can only imagine how startled I was when the story shifted onto the next one which made my ears ring with the sound of shattering glass.

"WAS THE WORRY NOT ENOUGH, NOW YOU HAVE TO DEAFEN ME?!" To be honest, the volume was my fault. I was so desperate I was trying to hear some hidden noises in the background, so I had the volume all the way up. Bonus points: I was wearing earbuds.

There's no in-between with Corpse: this is either a joke or him struggling with something really serious. And I refuse to go on with my day until I find out. I know how he gets when something's bothering him - he doesn't say anything and suffers in silence, only informing the people in his life of what was going on after it's over. When all they can do is say 'Sorry you had to go through that'. The thought that he apparently doesn't trust me - his best friend - enough to let me in on what's happening with him is painful. He does say it's because he doesn't want to bother anyone but after a while of telling him I want to be involved and to be by his side and his behavior never changing I've gotta wonder if he's being fully truthful.

I unplug the curling wand after only doing half of my hair. I can't focus on anything and I've burnt the side of my face and my hand so many times by now, it's ridiculous. I've thought about calling him and asking him, but that's bound to be a dud. It defeats the purpose when you already know the answer: "Nah, everything's ok. How's it going with you?" It never changes and it's always a dead give-away that something is indeed wrong.

Hearing that sentence would probably make me snap and lash out which is the last thing Corpse needs right now. I need to get all my frustration out beforehand if I even plan on calling him. As of now, it's my last resort.

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