Intimidating *

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Corpse Husband x Cottagecore!Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF


Just like every good, or let's be honest - every cliché rom-com ever - my story started when I met this girl that was the literal embodiment of an energy drink. Bubbly, talkative, full of positive energy, always ready to give support and kick ass for her friends. No joke, she has jokingly threatened me by mentioning her shotgun when we were playing Among Us once. To my surprise, when we finished the stream, she actually sent me a picture of the shotgun she has hanging by the front door of her cottage. Yes, cottage, she lives out in the countryside. She is a loner wolf type of gal while simultaneously being the biggest people-person I've ever met. She is the definition of the phrase 'best of both worlds'.


She's a badass sweetheart - she's the girl that talks a big game, tough as nails, no-nonsense general type. But she's also the girl whose voice goes up to a high pitched squeal whenever one of her cats distracts her during a stream. She has a total of four kittens: Angie, Kai, Myla and Oscar. Every time someone refers to them as cats she acts offended, correcting them by saying they're her babies. She is known on YouTube as 'Catgirl' and has over two million subscribers. Her content is a depiction of her character - 100% her. She vlogs, she does DIYs, cooking videos, gaming streams, covers, basically: you name it she does it. She writes poetry, she's into photography. You're catching my drift here: she's multi-gifted and dabbles into everything that comes across her mind. And she sticks by it instead of forgetting about it after a month or two. With her, nothing is a phase.

And I think I've fallen in love with her. Head over heels. The puppy-love kind. She mesmerizes and amazes me. She has turned me into a simp and has no idea. Going back to the rom-com tropes bingo: she's the only one in the gang that hasn't noticed how start-struck I am by her. I have honestly had it with Rae, Dave, Jack and the rest poking a stick at me for it. Worst part is that they're doing it when she's in the call and she still doesn't notice. Or maybe she does and she's just good at not paying mind to it. At least not in front of anyone.

But, I'm just as terrified as I am amazed.

Not just because of the aforementioned shotgun. That's the least of my worries. My biggest fear, that I never realized was a fear until now, is that I won't be able to match her energy. That has never been a worry for me since we always hang out with the gang, either just in a Discord call, each doing our own thing, or playing video games together. I've never had a real one-on-one with her without any other company. Sure, we sometimes text and flirt directly in the middle of a game on proximity chat or whatever, but there's always the presence of our friends to keep my anxiety and nervousness under control. Side note: I call it flirting, not because I thought it was that, but because everyone else brainwashed me into believing it was. The snarky comments, the compliments, the sarcasm and sass we throw back and forth between the two of us was never labeled as flirting in my mind but apparently it's what it seemed like to everyone else. And that's when I slipped up and told them about my crush on her.

Now as for why this fear has suddenly started troubling me: Y/N recently reached out to me, saying she had a scheduled photoshoot with a friend here in San Diego. She asked if I'd be up to go meet her at some less populated place of the city, promising me it was nothing shady and she would 100% NOT kill me.

Yeah, not sus at all. Definitely not sus, Y/N.

Everything in me was telling me to say no. To make up an excuse and decline. Rain-check it. But one voice was louder than all the rest combined - the one that wanted nothing more than to see her in person. Give her a hug. Look her in the eyes. Share many laughs with her. Talk about everything and anything. Lose track of time with her. Just her, no one else with us.

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