A Voice To Simp For *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Even though she is a rather well-known streamer herself, Y/N still gets very shy when her friend Poki invites her to join Among Us lobbies with her other friends, Corpse being one of them. Funny thing to point out here: Y/N sings when she gets nervous. Her fans find it absolutely adorable and so does Corpse, especially when she sings a song or two of his.


I have been busy editing my regular weekday videos that I'm supposed to post next week. It's a rainy and windy Saturday, so what else could I possibly be doing except working. Well ok, I say that no matter the day or the weather. Thankfully, though, I have my best friend Poki to remind me I'm human and not a computer algorithm created to film, edit and post videos. Don't get me wrong, I love doing it! I have never felt more freedom than I do now that I have my YouTube channel where I can be my completely authentic self and pray I won't get demonetized or have a video of mine falsely claimed. Sometimes I can go a bit overboard with working and let an entire day pass me by without me noticing. Poki has taken it upon herself to make sure I don't work my life away and invite me out to grab a bite to eat or a drink. Or invite me in her and her friends' Among Us lobby. You see, I stream on my channel as well. I have streamed Among Us, Phasmophobia, Part Animals, Who's Your Daddy?, Gang Beasts - you know, all the multiplayer games. But every time I play them, I do so with my friends who are all either YouTubers of my league or not content creators at all. You can imagine how nervous and anxious I get at the thought of playing in the same lobby as Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, Sykkuno, Valkyrae, etc, etc.

And there's the crush I have on Corpse Husband but we don't talk about that cause Poki won't let me hear the end of it if she finds out. I love her but, I swear, she's the worst at keeping secrets.

My phone rings, startling my wandering mind. I blink a few times as though I've just been awoken in the middle of the night. Yeah, I tend to get too entranced by my work sometimes, to the point where it doesn't even feel like I'm awake anymore. I pick up the singing phone and pick up the incoming call from Poki.

"Hey, what's up?" I say while saving my progress on the editing

"You editing again?" This is how she starts off all our calls. I've gotten used to ignoring that comment and letting it pass me by with nothing more than an eyeroll, "Anyway..." she doesn't wait for an answer before continuing, "I'm playing Among Us with the gang in a bit, wanna join?" She yet again gives me no time to answer before saying: "You don't really have a choice, I'm not letting you off the hook until you say yes."

I groan in mild annoyance - on one hand, I wanna continue editing; on the other though, I want to have a short break and enjoy a game of Among Us. A point to the latter argument because I stream on the weekends so streaming a game of Among Us wouldn't be bad. A point for the first argument would be the butterflies I already feel just at the thought of playing with the aforementioned gang. The way Poki says it makes it sound so nonchalant, like a group of friends from college or something and not a badass, famous, OG streaming crew. Corpse freaking Husband being one of its members!

It doesn't bode well for me that Poki is really persistent and convincing either. She hasn't changed a bit since the day we met - back when neither of us were content creators. She took on this job first and basically talked me into trying it myself. I first started accompanying her on her streams and then, she did the unthinkable and got me all the needed equipment I'd need to be an official streamer as a Christmas gift. Good thing she likes hugs just as much as I do cause I did not let her go for like a good twenty minutes that Christmas day.

Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now