Stole The Show *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: None, unless I drop a swear somewhere lol


Genre: FLUFF

Summary: After Corpse makes his relationship with Y/N public, she gets SHOWERED by love and support from his fans. She becomes fan-favorite right away, gaining her own fans despite not being a content creator herself. Corpse is beyond proud but also lowkey jealous.


"Yeah, Y/N's here with me." Corpse tells his friends when he hops into the Discord call to play Among Us with them. His hand lands on my knee to steady it from the intense bouncing I have no control over. I'm nervous as hell but I'm doing everything in my power to prevent myself from showing it. "She's sharing a mic with me."

This isn't the first time I'm on Corpse's stream so I've already met all these wonderful people he's streaming with. My nervousness isn't caused by them, I got over my shyness and anxiety of both talking to them and being on stream about two months ago when Corpse and I finally made our relationship public. But today's the first day Corpse and I are streaming with a webcam. Of course, I'm the only one captured by the camera, despite not even playing.

I myself am sometimes confused how all this came to be, but the events of the past two month come flooding in whenever the present moment becomes too surreal, all those memories serve as proof that this is indeed real and I'm not in some delusional or fever-dream state. This is my life right now. And no one can take it from me. In all honesty, it took me a while to relax - to stop thinking that at any moment I could wake up and all this would be stripped from me as though by opening my eyes I have loosened my grip on this fairytale like life. Eventually, after waking up every morning, each time finding Corpse either next to me or in the kitchen of our shared apartment, setting the table for breakfast, I finally embraced the permanence of this dream turned into reality.

A brief rundown of the past two months - It all started when Corpse posted a short video chasing me around the apartment while recording on his Instagram account with the caption: 'Look at this camera-shy angel I'm honored to call my girlfriend. I know you'll see this, so hi, baby. You're the cutest, I love you.'

And I was camera-shy for the longest time. Actually, I still consider myself camera-shy, despite agreeing to the idea of being the face of Corpse's stream, which he said was an idea brought up by his audience. Speaking of his viewers and fans, they really like me. Corpse always reassured me they would be absolutely blown away by me when he'd introduce me, but I never thought he would end up being right.

It first started with the comments on the video he posted of me. They all had such sweet and kind things to say about me, it simply melted my heart. I felt so close and so in love with all these people. I literally felt like they're all people I've met in person, people I've hugged or had a conversation with. People I consider genuine friends. Family at this point.

Then it was the hurricane of attention I got for making a less than a ten second appearance on Corpse's streams. I just casually drop by in his recording room while he's streaming to bring him either a snack or a drink, or anything he might need and it didn't take me long to notice he purposely turns his mic on in-game so I his friends could hear me. Then the whole game would be put on hold while we chit-chatted. Aside from his friends, he told me his chat got flooded with greetings for me, supposedly too many for him to even be able to count.

"You've turned my audience in your very own simp squad, I hope you're happy." Corpse jokes every now and then and, even though I know he's messing with me, it still gets me blushing and smiling cause we both know his teasing has a true foundation behind it. "They stole my nickname for you too!"

Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now