Life Support *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: None

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Just a day in the life of Corpse and Y/N. Two very different individuals who work very well together. Two punks in love prepared to do anything for one another: be each other's cheerleaders; stress-relievers; life support. Be the partner the other deserves. Give them the love they deserve.


My eyelids lift slowly, my blurred vision clearing up as I take in the dark bedroom. I notice the faint light of the outdoors fighting its way between the curtains covering the windows. My girlfriend Y/N sleeps on the side of the bed that's closer to the windows and she likes to have those curtains pulled to the side so she can look at the stars as she's falling asleep. The fact that they are now covering the view suggests that she's already up and running around. That girl has no chill. If she were a drink she'd be Red Bull. She's full of energy and life and enthusiasm. The thing is - I've never found it hard to keep up with her though. Sure she might be light years different from me, but I think that is the very reason we work so well. God forbid she was as self-deprecating as I can be from time to time. Jeez, that'd be horrible.

No, she's the complete opposite. She carries my spirits and lifts them so easily as if they weigh nothing. Just thinking of her brings a smile to my face. I never thought I'd end up being so head over heels for someone in my life but here we are. This girl posses a superpower - the power of contagious joy and excitement. The ability to bring happiness with something as simple as...

Flowers. Like the flowers she has left on the nightstand on my side of the bed with a small card that has nothing but a smiley face on it. No wonder the room smells so nice. I pick up the small flower pot and bring the petals close to my face, breathing in their scent. These are real, alive flowers. That's a big deal. Y/N has been training me to take care of real plants for weeks now. She wanted to know I'm fully ready before leaving the life of some poor flowers in my lazy and forgetful hands. Yes, I've been watering a fake plant for the past few weeks to prove my devotion to the to-be-real-one-day plant she's been promising to get for me.

And now I have it. No more watering a cheap plastic piece of décor. Hell yeah!

"I shall name you Sykkuno." Ok, now I'm talking to the damn thing. Maybe I should go find that person who lives with me and talk to her. At least she can reply. She doesn't always, but only when she's lost in her own thoughts or talking to herself. Yeah, guess being so upbeat and constantly on your feet has its downsides too - her mind gets too loud and a little too fast sometimes. I'm used to hearing her mumble stuff to herself. The only rule: if I need her attention I need to grab it discreetly and delicately, just like waking up a sleepwalker. She floats away in a bubble of her own creation sometimes and always apologizes for it, but she really doesn't have to - I find it adorable.

I quickly make the bed and do my usual morning routine of showering, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, pretending to give a fuck about my hair and applying eyeliner. I used to only like eyeliner in the past but seeing how happy Y/N is when she sees me wearing it and all the compliments she gives me have made me love it and wear it all the time except for when I have to put on my eye patch.

In the kitchen, I find Y/N sitting on the kitchen counter glaring daggers at some pages she has printed with a spoon in one hand, looking like she's holding a sharp and dangerous dagger. Her expression and mood do a 180, however, when she notices my presence.

"Hey!" She beams at me, "Did you meet your new friend?" She immediately ditches the pages and the spoon and hops down from the counter.

"You mean Sykkuno?" I smile at her, leaning down to give her a kiss when she approaches me.

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