When The World's Unsteady *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader(Female)

Warnings: Seismophobia (Fear of earthquakes), Swearing

Genre: Comforting Fluff

Summary: During an Among Us stream, our favorite streamers are caught off guard by an earthquake. Nothing major or really dangerous, but when you have that fear of earthquakes imbedded in you, the intensity doesn't matter. An earthquake is an earthquake, terrifying regardless.


An afternoon as regular as ever. The gang's all here and they are all streaming. Felix, Sean, Rae, Sykkuno, Ken, Charlie, Dave, Poki, Corpse and Y/N are each in front of their screens, cameras on, ready to kick ass in Among Us.

"Lord help the crewmates if Charlie and Corpse end up being impostors together." Sean says as he customs his avatar in the lobby.

"We aren't that unlucky. Or at least let's hope we aren't." Rae laughs, readjusting her headset so her hair doesn't get caught while she's playing.

"I'm more worried about Sykkuno and Rae being impostors together. They are the clean killers with some hella good lying skills. I don't trust either of them." Y/N says, giving the camera a raised eyebrow. She's the only one to ever sus Rae or Sykkuno because of her laser sharp instincts.

And Corpse. She can call Corpse out just like that. She senses his vibe even if she's down the hall from him. Not that any of their friends know that, though. Their relationship has been a well-kept secret for almost a year now and no one has suspected a thing. Just like when they're impostors - they are both so damn good at deceiving the rest of the players. It's no surprise a relationship between them has never been rumored, not even by their fans. Ironically enough, they have each been shipped with almost everyone else from the squad but never with each other.

"Look who's talking, Miss Never Sus. The female version of Corpse with a slightly less deep voice." Felix joins the teasing.

After a little more friendly back and forth, commenting on each other's impostor skills and recalling previous streams, they start the game.

Each crewmate is barely done with their task when they all feel it, crewmates and impostors alike. A force that's shaking them. Not only them but their surroundings as well.

An earthquake.

Ditching the 'muted mic' rule they all simultaneously unmute themselves, some accidentally and some in a desperate need to express how startled they are.

"Oh my God, it just keeps going." Rae's eyes switch focus between the tripod and the mic, making sure she can jump up and catch at least one of them if they decide to fall.

"Don't you guys have it rough, poor things." Dave says with fake entitled attitude. Felix and Sean are quick to agree with him while everyone else is low-key freaking out.

"It's not that violent. But man, did it catch me off-guard." Sykkuno says quietly as he makes sure his camera didn't get shifted.

"I honestly feel like everything's still shaking." Poki sounds mildly terrified as she too looks around the room to make sure nothing has fallen.

"Bro, props to Corpse. Not a single peep out of him." Ken's words ease up the fear tension that has taken over all the Californians in the lobby.

"He could cause an earthquake with that voice, you think he'd be scared of a little shake?" Charlie snickers.

And he's right. Corpse was pretty calm for the first two or three seconds of the earthquake but was quick to remember an important fact - Y/N's seismophobic. She reacts to any mild shake, like for example when he sits down next to her on the bed or couch without her noticing. She jumps in panic, fear numbing her basic survival instincts, leading her reaction to curl into a ball with her head hanging between her tucked knees and chest, her hands protecting it.

That's exactly how he found her - curled into the position of a frightened child in her desk chair. She heard him enter her room and jumper up from her spot, running out of frame and into his arms.

"It's OK. It's over. You're safe, babe. I would never let anything happen to you." Corpse whispers to her as he holds her in his lap while he's sitting on the bed, leaning her shivering body against his chest and running a hand through her hair soothingly. "When the world is unsteady, I'll be your pillar of support. Always. Never forget that."

"Um, Corpse? Who are you talking to?" Rae's voice coming from the speakers makes him take his eyes off Y/N for just a second, sparing the monitor a quick glance as he puts two and two together. Y/N's mic is on. But he doesn't care. "And why is your voice coming from....Oh wait...WHAT?"

Y/N lifts her head off his chest, her eyes shiny with tears that he prevented from falling. A small smile plays on her lips, "We're in some deep shit now."

"We best take the award for most original relationship reveal." He returns her smile. He presses his forehead to hers, enjoying the last moments that their relationship will be something private. Something just between her and him.

Neither of them are upset for letting go of the secrecy. They know their relationship will be met with nothing but support by both their fandoms. They know their friends...

"RELATIONSHIP REVEAL?!" The speakers blare with a choir worth of shock

...Yeah, their friends will demand all the details.

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