The Angelic Impostor *

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Part two: The Audacity

Corpse Husband x Young Narrator Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff

Summary: Follow the two part journey of Corpse being an absolute simp over a young fellow narrator youtuber by the name of Y/N - a girl that's a literal angel, simultaneously the youngest member of the gang. AKA the one they all protect.


"Hi Corpse!" The Among Us lobby filled with my friends greets me in enthusiastically as I hop in, going straight to customizing my character.

"Hi everyone!" I reply, subconsciously counting the astronauts in the lobby. "Who are we missing?"

"Oh!" Rae hurries to answer my question, "Y/N is coming, she just has to take care of something real quick."

"Cool." Is what I say, as nonchalantly as I possibly could in at this moment and under these circumstances.
By 'under these circumstances' I'm referring to the hopeless crush I have on this girl - Y/N. I always wondered how people claimed they had supposed crushes on me when they don't know what I look like, but oh God, I get it now. I completely get it.

You see, Y/N is also a faceless youtuber. A narrator, to be more specific. She this adorable, soothing voice that could put anyone's mind at ease. Before you ask - yes I've watched 98% of her videos; and before you judge - there's nothing wrong or weird with that, ok? Now that we've got that out of the way, I shall continue rambling about how amazing this girl is. I mean, for all I know, she could not even be human and that'd be totally fine by me. The only species that would make sense for her to belong to is Angel and I am not yet 100% convinced she isn't one.

For this intense crush I have Rae to thank/blame. She's the one who introduced Y/N to our group approximately six months ago. We were missing a person for a full lobby after Felix had disconnected due to technical difficulties. Rae said she had a friend in mind who was supposedly a great Among Us player and I immediately got tense - questioning the levels of greatness of this not yet known to me player, preparing to show off my skills as impostor. I remember thinking all the different strategies I could pull, like a fucking third grader showing off his soccer skills or whatever, when an unfamiliar voice came through my headphones, shyly speaking the word 'Hi.'

I was stunned, literally mesmerized. I sat there in deaf silence for a good minute or so, processing what I was hearing. The only way I can describe it to you is: a cartoon angel with the ability to sing anyone to sleep. Me included.

"Guys, this is Y/N, a dear friend of mine. She's gonna hate me for this but I have to mention that her channel ListenUp just reached one million subscribers." Rae announced excitedly, provoking a wave of congratulations from everyone in the call. While Y/N was introducing herself a bit more I wasted no time looking up the channel name Rae mentioned. She had a cute animated avatar as a profile pic and a simple channel description stating that she was a narrator of novels, poetry (hers and others') and she also did book reviews. At the end of the description, something caught my eye - there it said that the avatar was a depiction of her opposite. I was intrigued to say the least.
Taking advantage of the chatter in the lobby, I looked her up on Instagram and Twitter to find she had a similar character as a profile pic everywhere. It didn't take me long to realize she was one of my kind - a faceless youtuber.

"So Y/N, Rae set the bar high for you. Are you really as good as we were told you are?" Jack asked teasingly, his question followed by a chuckle

"Well, I don't know how high we're talking here, but either way, I'm not one to flaunt with words. We'll see how well I play my cards." Her mock confidence is the most astonishing thing to hear. She could literally leave people with their jaws on the floor. Wait a sec while I pick mine up just recalling the memory.

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