A Hit On You (Assassin AU) *

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral) - Assassin AU

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF, Humor

Summary: Killing a fellow assassin/mercenary sounds like it'd be a real challenge which takes a big toll on the assassin on the killing instead of the killed end. Corpse is prepared for this, he knows it's what he has to do to ensure a safe future in this 'business' and a steady income. He can't have others stealing his gigs and in order to prevent all that, he's more than ready to go hunting all over the city to find his competition. Or he just walks into a bar and finds his target like it's nobody's business.


It's a foggy and chilly night, out of character for this part of the country, but Corpse isn't complaining. There's a mysterious sense to it he loves a lot, something inviting to the ones hiding in the shadows and him among them. Those who are the shadows people say they hide in; those who are the whispers on the streets others think are just talking about them. He is one of those wrong-doing ghosts, pirates of the night. Killers with a cause. A cause not so easily explainable due to the fact it'd be considered selfish, but there is no human being in this world who isn't selfish, no? We all look out for ourselves and fight our own battles, dance to the rhythm life plays for us. So what if he has had to step on more toes than he can count, it's not like he's wanted to. He has to.

Just like the night doesn't want to house all these cold-blooded emotionless killers, but it has to, cause nothing and no one else will.

The crisp air is suggesting a dry cold period full of fog and mist for the next God knows how long. He doesn't care, he's just hoping it'll last. It provides him the peace he needs and the perfect setting for entering dangerous territory. The one he's in right now, oh man, more dangerous it cannot be.

At least it's swell weather, perfect if I do say so myself, He thinks to himself, having finally emerged from the shadows and into the fog. From one curtain behind another. One is the darkness he finds comforting, the other is the light mist he finds mesmerizing. Like a white sheet it's covering the city as though promising him he will not be spotted by the people below. He can look on in peace.

He can carry his plan out flawlessly.

Or at least he could if he had already completed the first steps of it.

He's what's known in this business as a mastermind assassin. He calculates his every move, double checks his odds and accommodates them to his liking by manipulating situations and circumstances. In short, he envisions his plans vividly and then turns them into a reality. If his eye has been set on someone, that poor soul better start picking their last words.

With the full moon, partly cloudy night and the fog below, he feels his circumstances would've been perfectly aligned had he found the whereabouts of his most recent target - Crimson.

He doesn't know a lot about this individual, but what he knows is perfectly enough - they are an assassin; they have recently garnered the attention of his regulars who, as a result, have dropped him as their assassin and moved onto the supposedly better one; they are hard to track down; they're gonna be dead soon.

Corpse could not be any more certain in the last point. Once again, he has a tendency to turn visions into reality, and what better time to do it than with this lovely weather at his disposal.

We all know the real fun begins when the shadows emerge into the fog.

Yet another problem when comes to hunting down someone of his kind, he can never know where it's safe to ask questions and push his luck. The assassin business is like a spiderweb - very well connected. Everyone is trying to snag as much as they can so people who are not technically killers don't pick a side, they come through for each and every assassin that comes to them in search of a favor or supplying with any needs they have. However, Crimson has one hell of a reputation that has allowed them the privilege of having several, as they call them, 'telling birds'. They keep them up to date, they tell them of new gigs the could snatch, new hits that have been offered to them etc. That means, if he's not careful, he may end up asking one of these 'telling birds' which will be quick to forward the message that he's in their pursuit.

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