Peace Was Never An Option *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female) x Sykkuno (Poly Relationship)


Warnings: None :)


Summary: An intense round of Among Us has began. Let's be honest, any round is intense if Corpse's playing. But what if Y/N starts suspecting things...things that get her killed by her very own boyfriend. Correction, both her boyfriends.


"I was with Toast the whole time, I can clear him." Sean says as a response to Dave asking him where he has been.

A body has just been reported. What we thought was the first body of the round was revealed to be a massacre of two dead bodies, both in Cafeteria. Felix and Rae are no longer among us.

"F in the chat people, we've lost some great souls." I say while my mic is still muted in-game. A quick glance at the chat tells me that was at the same time a good and a poor idea, seeing as how there's nothing but Fs there now.

"Y/N's with me. She watched me scan and I watched her take out the trash." Poki removes us from the equation. "Felix walked in on me doing the scan so he could confirm as well."

"But alas, he can not." I laugh, "I can confirm what Poki said. She scanned and I took out the trash, we're good." I pause for a second, going over the alibis people have given so far, realizing two are missing. "Wait. Corpse, Sykkuno, where were you two?"

"We were together in Navigation. Rae was with us for a while and then went down to Shields I think." Sykkuno tells me nonchalantly. "I've completed all my tasks so I was just making Corpse was doing his."

Now, you would think I'd be able to tell when Corpse or Sykkuno is lying. Nope! It may shock you, but me dating them doesn't also mean I can read their minds. I'm sure I would have a better overview of when they're lying if I spent more time with them in person. That was the plan originally, and then quarantine happened and is sadly still happening.

Time for a little back tracking, but in order to do so properly, I'll need to break the story into two main chapters: 1.Corpse and 2.Sykkuno.

The story starts simple enough. I met Corpse through a game of the old but gold Gang Beasts when my best friend Sean invited me to join their gang. I was pretty freaked out by the thought of meeting them in the beginning, but as most things are - it was nothing but fun and enjoyable once I actually joined the call and got to meet everyone. I had a great time during that first stream and exchanged usernames and phone numbers with several of the group members.

Corpse and I started chatting almost immediately after the stream was over and everyone had left the call. We stayed in the call for an extra twenty or so minutes before deciding to move onto texting. Our conversations were and still are so branchy, constantly expanding to new topics barely connected to the previous ones. From video games to music; from memes to serious topics - all within a literal blink of an eye. I love our dynamic - how our topics switch from grim and broody to sunshine and rainbows. How he can make me laugh to the point of tears. How he can make me overthink some things to the point of sleeplessness.

I go through periods of feeling like we stretched our 'it's complicated' period between friendship and a relationship for far too long; but then again I sometimes feel like we jumped from the phase of memes to the phase of 'good morning' and 'good night' texts followed with a bunch of heart emojis overnight. Nights spent at his place watching and seriously criticizing movies. Failed cooking attempts, and the successful ones that have been a rare occurrence. Me decorating his apartment because I hate empty spaces. Him randomly adopting items from my apartment and putting them in his own.

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