We Have Us * ⨀

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Anxiety and/or Depression

Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

Summary: Corpse is knowns to be very good on picking up on people's lies and fronts so it should come as no surprise that he sees right through his long time friend Y/N's happy mask. Nor should it be a surprise that he immediately takes action.


We have planned a competitive stream of Phasmophobia - Y/N and I vs Jack and Felix and let's just say....Y/N and I are screwed. Not only are they very easily spooked and still don't have a proper grip on the controls, but I'm also that impatient prick that ends up provoking the poltergeist a little too much, resulting in death. The way we'll be keeping track of our 'score' is by seeing which player gathers the most evidence or which team loses a member first. Knowing myself, I know I'll be taken out first without a doubt. I promise to try my hardest and be respectful for Y/N's sake but I can only promise that - to try. Weather it's gonna work or not, only time will tell.

I should probably apologize to Y/N in advance, but I won't, just so I can vex them with our failures. They are usually the eye-roll type of annoyed. Well, eye-roll plus roasting me, but I love it when they do that. Not that I'd want them to know, but it's the cutest thing, especially when they're not much better at the game either. In fact, they're worse because of how afraid they get. That only makes for better entertainment for me and anyone else playing as well as the viewers. Them and I have been great friends for a while, we met before either of us started streaming actually, so they know all I do is in good fun and with the intention of getting a reaction out of them.

They are the sweetest person honestly, but as the saying goes - one I came up with - sweetest people roast the hardest. I'm so glad I'm not a chicken cause I'd be dinner every time we stream together which is almost every day. But witnessing their joy and excitement whenever they win a game or survive a round of Phasmophobia has to be the most precious thing to hear. It's authentic and unconditional, like they won something of the rang of the lottery.

I hop in the Discord call where Felix and Jack are already talking about something. I join the conversation about best beer apparently as we wait for Y/N. It's not like them to be late, but happens to everyone from time to time, I guess. Our streams have already started and accumulated thousands of viewers and my chat is already overflowing, mainly with questions about Y/N's whereabouts.

"I have never actually tried Guinness. I know, fucking ridiculous." I tell Jack while simultaneously shooting Y/N a quick check up message, just in case they've forgotten we have a scheduled stream. Once again - out of character for them to forget such a thing. Or anything ever, they automatically remember even the tiniest details mentioned through passing conversation. They'd make a great lawyer, which I've told them in the past just to get a roast back at me.
Just as the text gets delivered, they appear in the call, allowing relief to wash over me.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. The stream kinda slipped my mind." Y/N apologizes, getting reassurance from Jack and Felix that there's nothing to worry about before we start the game.

I unintentionally remain silent as alarms start ringing throughout my head. Something is off. First of all - slipped their mind? There is no way that could happen, especially not with a stream. Y/N can't wait for streams to start and that's all they wait for throughout the day when one is schedule. They are the first one in the call or the one creating the lobby. Second - what's with that tone? It sounds so down, flat and monotone. Their voice is always so full of emotion, they could never hide how they feel - their facial expression and voice give them away immediately. The monotone-ness is worrying, to say the least; And third - An apology? Y/N never apologizes, at least not how regular people do. They string words together in a manner with which they're trying to appear unbothered, but a person could easily gauge what they're really trying to say.

Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now