Thin Walls *

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Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: FLUFF

Summary: Prompted my a question in the chat of his stream, Corpse recalls the time him and his girlfriend Y/N were nothing but strangers living within close proximity to each other, or you know - neighbors. The story that gives having an apartment with thin walls a little upside aside from all the inconveniences.


"Hey Corpse, I'm going to the store! Need anything?" Y/N calls out to me as she walks in my recording room. I turn in my chair to see her grimacing and mouthing 'sorry', having realized I'm currently streaming.

I give her a reassuring nod to ease her worries and reply, "Nothing I can think of right now. I'll call you if I remember something."

She smiles and nods, blowing me a kiss which I catch mid-air before she leaves the room. I turn back to the screen that's displaying my stream and the chat-box next to it. It's one of those chill streams that lasts for hours with some calm music in the background and me just answering questions and telling stories of mine. I'm honestly surprised by the number of viewers I have - thousands of people are really sitting at home, or work, or wherever else just listening to me go on and on about random stuff.

I see a few comments asking about Y/N since they very clearly heard her walking in. My fans are rather familiar with her considering we've been dating for almost a year now. She's not famous or anything, not a content creator at all, actually, but she wasn't afraid to be up in the eye of my fans who had nothing but kind words and support to give her.

"Yeah, that was Y/N. I would say 'hi' to her for you guys but she's already gone. I'll do it when she comes back though, no worries." My fans ask about her frequently, send her greetings and kind messages which I find incredibly sweet and caring. It's simply adorable. What's even more adorable is her reaction when she reads them - I tend to screenshot them cause I found she doesn't believe me without proof.

"It'll be eight months in a week and a half. I know, I'm surprised I remember it too." I say in response to a question of how long we've been dating. I'm not really good with dates, but this one has been engraved in my memory. "That's the day we started dating. I feel kinda...guilty? for not being able to recall what day we met. I don't wanna ask her either, I don't want her to think I'd forget something like that." I genuinely feel bad for it, though I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind.

"How we met?" My eyes stop on yet another question in the chat, bringing a smile to my face. "Funny story - I knew her way before I actually met her." I chuckle at the memory I have recollection of in great detail. "That might need a bit explaining, sit tight."

I walk into my apartment building with a bag of groceries for the dinner I'm planning to make. I feel pretty good and upbeat today so I decided I would push my limits with cooking something I've never attempted before. Unfortunately, that required for me to go and purchase a few items from the store nearby. The elevator dings, its doors opening in front of me, allowing me to step inside where I find I'll be accompanied by a few boxes. Nothing unusual - could be drugs for all I car, this is a rather shitty neighborhood after all. I'll just act like I don't see them.

When the elevator doors open once again on my floor I am surprised to see many more boxes in different sizes strewn about the hallway. The door to the apartment next to mine is wide open, light coming from inside and into the dimly-lit hallway. I can't see inside from where I'm standing, but I hear rustling and shuffling.

Corpse Husband One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now