Faces In Hiding * ⨀

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Author: https://thefanficmonster.tumblr.com/

Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Angst

Summary: Y/N, a fellow faceless streamer has been faced with an unfortunate event - an accidental face reveal that not everyone was completely respectful of and many used to benefit on social media. Corpse refuses to remain silent on the subject.


I've been a YouTube streamer for a little less than a year now. I moved from Twitch to YouTube because that's where the majority of my friends also streamed and have had nothing but a great time ever since. I fall in the category of faceless streamers, nowhere close to the ranks of Corpse or Dream, but I'm friends with both of them and seeing their popularity go up higher and higher each day makes me just as happy as if the success were mine.
I'm a very insecure person - I doubt myself and people's view of me too much for my own good. I wish I could rewire my brain for the sake of my many viewers because they are all so wonderful and nothing but supportive and they deserve to see my face. I feel that's the least I could do for them, but I simply can't bring myself to do it. I know I don't owe anyone a face reveal, I just feel it's the right thing to do, yet it's still impossibly hard to get myself to do it.

I've brought up my dilemma to Corpse who I'm very close friends with and he gave me some good advice, telling me that I'll only be ready when I wouldn't care if someone hacked my phone and leaked a picture of my face. The thought sends a surge of anxiety coursing through my whole body, causing goosebumps to arise on my skin and my heartbeat to speed up. That's one way to know I'm nowhere near ready to have people know how I look.
I just know that no matter my audience's reaction to my appearance I'll be upset in the end. Positive feedback I doubt and negative I fear. That's why I rarely read the comments under my videos and I get anxious whenever I read the chat of my stream. My insecurities aren't only focused on my looks, they are also eating away the happiness content creating is giving me. I have never been happier - or HAD never been happier. Past tense. I was the happiest when I first started making content, seeing the viewer and liker count go up by one was enough to send me on cloud nine. But then people started asking questions about my face. The dislike counter also started going up. I started accumulating hate, not a lot or anything, like two or three out of fifty comments. That's how my brain works - my eyes only saw those comments - the ones calling my content boring and me as a person lifeless or annoying.

You see what I'm getting at - I know that once I reveal what I look like, it will not only be reserved for all those people who support me, people who only look for things to dislike about me will also be aware of this info and they'll use it against me. I'm a sensitive, insecure and anxiety-ridden person who has found comfort in being faceless, and leaving that zone of comfort and closure is the most terrifying thing to me.

"THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND OF YOU GUYS" I cheer excitedly after starting my stream which has already garnered about two thousand viewers, "Where did you guys come from?! More importantly - thank you for sticking around! This is the biggest achievement of my life! I can barely believe it!" My cat Riven who's chilling in my lap purrs, causing me to giggle, "I actually reached the goal a day and a half ago but I was afraid to celebrate cause I thought the numbers would go back down again." I admit sheepishly, my cheeks reddening.

That is indeed true - I didn't want to celebrate prematurely, thinking I'd get an intense wave of disappointment if I threw a party just to see the numbers tumble back down under 300K. Luckily, that wasn't the case - the numbers kept climbing, allowing me to make this celebratory stream with peace of mind.

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