L & Sons

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Just some old musings because I'll never get over that L was supposed to be a father but Ohba didn't believe anyone would want to fuck L-

Anime: Death Note

It was during one of L's earlier cases that he had met her. Twice after that he had also requested her assistance on cases. She was reliable after all.

Even though he of course was more than capable of handling this mystery on his own, Watari had suggested calling in some help for a suspect that needed investigated closer up.

Stephania Lenox, she was a thief hired for infiltration. Smart and cunning. With medium length blonde hair and painted lips, she could talk her way into and through anything.

It was in no way a secret that L was incredibly intelligent, not exactly sore to look at either, and Stephania saw an opportunity. A life of high end theft was tiresome after all, and she might not want to keep this way of income forever. Not that she didn't have more than enough fortunes stocked away.

L's flawless planning would've made him the perfect partner for her crimes, if only he was into that sort of thing. But if there was someone else with that ability to be a mastermind? who could be groomed for planning heists and detailed extractions of priceless items?

With this in mind Stephania decided to try and become close to L. As close as one can really get with him, he isn't talkative nor outgoing, but her self-proclaimed mission for now would be to stay friendly with the detective.

Putting effort to start conversations and asking recommendations for his preferred sweets, unsuspicious ways to get L's attention.

The case she had been hired had just come to a close. It, of course, as all cases taken up by L, had gone smoothly.

Everyone on the case was heading back to their homes, L and Watari would leave the hotel in the morning.

She was also quite skilled at seducing, which is useful for her way of life. So as a proposed way of celebration...

There weren't many things that surprised L. He had most scenarios taken into consideration long before they might occur. And such an invitation was not out of the question with her personality, it seemed like a normal proposition.

And with a little convincing, the promise of a little pill, L didn't see why anything would be wrong. Nor did he notice the pre-poked holes in the foil package. She did have her way with words for sure.

It was close to three years after that case when L had Watari contact Miss Lenox again, there were a few men he wanted close information on and he knew she had been around the country not long before. A few high end crimes fit her style, so why not ask?

The request was solely about the case though, he didn't really expect a replay of the 'celebration' from solving the last case. It didn't really matter to L either way.

Stephania knew that the case would be simple, no matter how complicated it was, L seemed to find the evidence easily and be on his sweet-eating way. So she accepted the job.

And although Mihael seemed like a smart toddler it was hard to tell at this point if he was 'advanced'. So what's wrong with a little insurance for your plans?

While being a single parent worked for many, a lot of that success came from loving your kids. Not just retirement investments.

It hadn't been much trouble when there was only Mihael to make arrangements for while she was working and traveling around the world for different pay outs. But two young children, a baby and a toddler, it was nerve grinding, and became increasingly harder to find people to watch after them while she was away.

It didn't help with how angry Mihael could get with his tantrums and how she didn't have an answer for calming him down when caretakers called her either. And even though Nate didn't require much of her attention once given a new toy, it was all too much.

It was nearly three years after the last case together that Stephania was able to contact L. He was a master at hiding. She was only able to find of his whereabouts after she heard he'd taken up a case in England again.

She didn't care what his case was about, but with a little smooth talking she was able to obtain the number for L's current hotel room, greeting him as if an old friend and convincing him she needed to meet up, having a bit of information he might find useful.

After working two cases with her, L had no reason to suspect her of lying. Although he knew something was off, her voice had been a little too calm, words a little too convincing.

Nonetheless he agreed and gave her their location and set a time she would arrive and by which elevator.

The knock that came at the door was lighter than expected, but was on time. His only answer was "Come in"

After a exactly 23 seconds, another knock had come. Suspicious, and alone since Watari had went to purchase more sweets, L walked to the door, first checking the peephole but seeing no one.

What Lawliet never expected though, was to open the door and find children waiting for him.

A toddler with unique white hair that curled slightly sat on the ground holding a doll, in a light blue shirt and checkered pants the child appeared no more than 2 years old.

Then standing directly in front of him, looking up and a bit confused, was a boy with familiarly blonde hair, straight and slightly long, he wore a black shirt and jeans with a small backpack on his shoulder. With a stuffed striped tiger clutched in on hand and a letter in the other.

"Are you him?" the boy asked L, craning his neck to look up at the man. He couldn't have been more than 5 at the most.

"Am I who exactly?"

the boy squinted at L "Are you our dad or something? we're s'pposed to meet him here."

For the first time since Watari had taken him in, L was lost.

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