Levi Ackerman {catnip}

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Anime: Attack of Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin

Y/n POV:

I had just finished lunch and was walking towards the dorms when Hanji ran up to me giggling and I looked at her suspiciously. 'No ones safe when Hanji is up to something' I thought "(Y/n) take this to corporal shorty will ya?" she said shoving a box into my had and running off "Uh.. ok?" I started towards Corporal's office.

When I knocked on his door I got no answer "Sir? I have a package from captain Hanji" I called looking at the package "Bring it in" a muffled voice called. When I entered the room what I saw caused me to stop in my tracks wide eyed.

Captain Levi sitting on his desk with his legs crossed but what caught your attention was the cat-like ears on his head and tail swishing behind him. "Oi what are you staring at cadet?" he said sounding impatient. Having a weakness for cats I wanted to pet his ears so bad but since that would kill me, I quickly composed myself and brought him the package. He opened the box and scowled at the contents "I'm going to kill Shitty glasses." he tossed the box down and a small cat toy bounced out. He stormed out of the room.

Third POV near Hanji and Levi:

"What the fuck was that I told you get me the antidote!"

"Sorry shorty don't have it yet, but you know, this could still work~" Hanji said teasingly. Levi huffed "Tch Just get me the fucking antidote or I'll break your fucking skull in." he said and walked out.

"Oh it'll work~ hehe"

~Flashback to earlier thingy?~

Levi had always been rather fond of you, you didn't seem to bother him as much as the other cadets and gave you various orders where you'd be near him quite often. Though lately he had been feeling a bit strange around you, and refusing to admit the obvious he went to Hanji saying you were making him sick and told her to fix it "I know just the thing" she'd said and made him drink a small cup of redish liquid which caused him to loose consciousness.

A little while later he had awoken feeling a bit... strange. and saw Hanji starring down at him (he'd collapsed onto the floor) happily. Before he could cause her any harm she'd shoved a mirror into his face showing him his cat ears. She hummed in thought and tapped her finger on her chin.

"That should have been the love potion, ah well, (Y/n) does like cats doesn't she? this could be even better"  she chuckled 'And a good show' Unsurprisingly Levi was furious with her and used his (fabulous) Levi kick on her "Fix this." he said before walking out.

He couldn't let the rest see him like this so he decided to stay in his office and do some paperwork while be waiting for his little nightmare to be over. But just to his luck the person who came to his door was none other than Y/n. Of all the people it just had to be her. The one person he didn't want to see him in his current state.

~Flashback thingy over~

Y/n POV:

'Heichou looks so kawaii as a kitty! not that he doesn't normally' you thought while sweeping the hallway. "(Y/n)!" you looked over and saw an overly excited Hanji running towards you 'Oh no' you thought "(Y/n) I need to you take this to shorty, I'm he can't wait to get it" she said giving you a bag smiling before skipping off to do whatever it is Hanji's do.

'I'm scared of what is in this time' I thought shaking my head and obediently taking the bag to Corporal. I knocked on his door "Sir? I have another package from Captain Hanji" "It's open, get in here cadet"

I opened the door and walked towards his desk, but when I got within a few feet of him his eyes turned to slits like a cat and his tail started twitching like a cat watching it's prey.

I looked to where he was staring, the bag "Here you go Si-" I was stopped mid-sentence when he pounced on me causing the contents of the bag, lots of dry leaves to fly all over me. "C-corporal??" I asked as I stared up at him, his half lidded eyes watching me. "Yes (Y/n)?" he seemed to purr and tilted his head cutely. He never called anyone by their names. I gulped.

Kitty corporal leaned down and nuzzled his head against my chest causing me to blush "Sir w-what are you d-doing?" ignoring my question he sat up, straddling me "Pet me." he said "Heh!?" 'what is he doing!' "I said pet me" he growled sounding annoyed.

I hesitantly reached up and stroked his right cat ear, he leaned into my hand and started purring I blushing at his actions while he shifted into a more comfortable position and I leaned against his desk.

He gave me a cold stare when I scooted into a better position. "Did I tell you to stop?" *gulp* I started gently petting his ears again earning loud purrs from Corporal kitty and his tail wrapped around my thigh as he snuggled up to me. 'What did Hanji do to him?' he's going to kill her after this, then he'll probably kill me too. I shuddered at the thought.

He sat up on my lap and leaned towards my ear, he licked the shell of my ear and chuckled. "Let's play" he said I went bright red and stared at him. He jumped off me and started batting around the small cat toy that Hanji sent earlier.

~Time skip brought to you by the magical Jeanicorn~

After awhile Levi had worn himself out playing with the small cat toy and fell asleep on your lap preventing you from being able to escape. The doors opened and Hanji walked in and grinned at us "Have fun with your little kitty?" she asked and I glared at her "What did you do to him! he's going to kill you! then he'll kill me!"  

"Haha cool it (Y/n) this'll fix everything now that he got what he wanted." I was confused at what he meant but didn't have time to ask before she stuck a large needle into his arm filled with pink liquid. To your disappointment his cat features began to disappear "All better!" she said and skipped out of the office.

 A few minutes later he woke up. He blinked a few times and looked at me and the position we were in causing him to blush the slightest bit. "What happened" he questioned or more demanded "Y-you were a cat sir." I said looking up at him worriedly but relieved he was back to normal

"Hanji had mentioned you got w-what you wanted, what did she mean if you don't mind my asking"

"tch Might as well" he mumbled to himself quietly. He grabbed your shirt, yanking it pulling you own to his height and pressed his lips to yours surprising you. He pulled down you chin slightly to open your mouth and slipped his tongue inside leaving no place untouched before pulling away without you having a chance to get over you shock to kiss back.

He tugged on my shirt again pulling me down furthur and licked my cheek "My own kind of catnip" he said smirking. "Dismissed cadet. Return later." he commanded I nodded quickly blushing and ran out of his office wondering what just happened.

Behind the curtains in Corporal Levi's office POV:

"See shorty it worked purrfectly" Hanji said and chuckled to herself

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