Levi Ackerman {birthday}

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What? it's his birthday I had to

Anime: Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin

Christmas decorations? check. freshly cleaned everything? check. cake that should taste like Rin Okurmura made it? check. mistletoe booby-traps? check. birthday present? check. clear path to escape his wrath? check and double check.

It was December 25, Christmas and Levi's birthday and you were ready. It'd taken you a week of planning to get it set up, a ton of convincing to get help cleaning, help from Hanji for the mistletoe traps and at least two weeks and some help from Armin to place an escape route.

You didn't know how your boyfriend would react to all this, but you didn't suspect he'd be too thrilled. But he was getting into holiday spirit whether he liked it or not.

You'd even snuck into his room last night and replaced all his jackets with red jackets and switched his belts with ones embroidered with blinking lights!

Yes it was all planned out. Now to wait for him to come see everything. That morning you'd even gotten up extra early to wax the floor in his office to make it shine. And with Hanji's booby-traps around you were planning on getting at least one kiss out of him before he killed you.


Levi opened the doors of his office none to thrilled. When he woke up the frost covered his windows obstructing the view. Some idiot forgot to bring him his morning tea. Some asshole with a death wish fucked up all his gear and not one person appeared when he was yelling for them.

But when could see inside he was met with his office fully decorated with garland, tinsel, Christmas lights and a small tree on the corner of his desk covered in small ornaments. And in the center of the room stood Y/n holding a small red and green striped box with a white bow on top with a giant grin adorning her face.

"Levi!" Y/n yelled and ran towards him only to slide on the wax floor and fall in front of his feet but making sure not to drop the box causing him to give an irritated sigh.

"I'm not in the mood for your antics (Y/n). I've already had a crappy morning and don't need anyone else's shit to fuck up my day." he said while displaying no expression

Y/n huffed as he walked to his desk without the slightest bit of trouble on the wax. "But Leviiiii it's a special day don't you remember?" she said once she reached the desk, this time without falling on her face.

"It's another day for work (Y/n) which I suggest you get to." he said causing her to puff out her cheeks "Work can wait, today you need to celebrate! I got the whole castle cleaned, decorated your office and even gave you festive clothes, you have to be happy! and I eve-" "You were the one who destroyed my wardrobe and belts?" he interrupted slightly glaring at her.

'Wrong choice of words wrong choice of words eejit!' Y/n thought to herself. "I even made you your favorite tea!" Y/n said bringing him the hot cup but stumbled causing to brown liquid to be knocked out of the cup and onto his paperwork Y/n gulped

"W-well you see I was just trying to make today more special, because of what today is all" Y/n said while walking backwards towards the doors as Levi stood up from his seat looking a bit madder than usual.

He started advancing towards the her and Y/n figured it was time to run. Buuuut  as her wonderful luck would have it, she slipped on the floors again barely regaining enough balance to open the doors and run Levi not far behind. Rounding the corner of one of the many long hallways which she till gets lost in Y/n's luck would not fail her.

This time she got a little to close to one of the triggers causing her to be captured in one of the Mistletoe traps, Hanji apparently didn't do as Y/n had planned. Because now she was hanging upside down with her torso and legs tied up with mistletoe ropes. It had shot out and tied her up so fast Levi had stopped to see what was happening

He almost chuckled at the sight Y/n even had a red bow plopped on her head as if she were a gift for him. But instead he walked up to he and looked her straight in the eye (your hanging a few feet up) making her shake under his intimidating gaze

"What the hell is all this about?" he asked as she averted her gaze looking anywhere but at him "W-well I was t-trying to make your b-birthday special" his eyes narrowed at her response though more than a little shocked "And this?" he said gesturing to her little predicament "Well this was k-kind of meant for y-you to be stuck in" "Why?"

she mumbled something he couldn't quite catch "Speak up I can't hear a damn word"

"I said it was so I could get at least on kiss before you killed me for all this" she said quietly as he clicked a small button releasing Y/n from the trap.

Once she had stood up he gave her a light kiss on the lips before "Tch you could have just asked idiot. And clean this mess up." he said and started walking towards his office. Y/n sighed in relief, that was a much less painful response than she was expecting.

Little extra thingy                                                       ________________________________________________________

Levi entered his office and heard the door shut behind him and looked around at all the decorations and spotted the gift Y/n had earlier sitting on his desk where the tea hadn't touched anything. He had never expected someone to remember that it was his birthday or to care even if they did, let alone put so much work into trying to make it better, even though they made quite a mess in their efforts.

Levi opened the small box revealing a new cravat with Levi + Y/n hand stitched  into the corner. He smiled at the gift and thought of the person it was from, one who he cared much for and smiled. Maybe today actually wasn't so terrible?

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight! I gotta get up in 4 and a half hours....

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