Haruka Nanase. {stay}

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Since she was small, each year Y/n and her family went to a house near a beautiful lake for the summer and she always liked to sit on the docks with her feet in the water and watch the sunset each night. Since she started coming to the lake he'd watch her each night curious about the (H/c) girl. Every time she appeared he'd watch her and wonder what she was and where her fins were.

Haru's POV:
There she was again, like every summer. Every time I swim here in the summer, there she is, like she's waiting for something.

Y/n POV:

Y/n, like usual was sitting on the docks with her feet in the water humming a random tune to herself. Without any idea about the fish boy watching her from below.

Third POV from underwater:

Haru swam around watching the girl once again, his friend/enemy Sousuke boredly swimming around near him, (he'd decided to come along to see where Haru was going every evening) but this time Haru wasn't just going to watch your finless figure.

In swift movement Haru had grabbed Y/n's leg and yanked her into the water giving her barely enough time to take a breath. once the bubbles had cleared they both stared at each other not knowing what to do.

Y/n was amazed when she looked at the cute boy who had yanked her into the water, instead of legs he had a crystal blue fish tail and he has scales on his arms and chest in different patches and his hands were webbed and slits on his necks for gills. Off to the side she could see another boy, larger than the one holding her with a tail just like his. The breath Y/n was holding was quickly running out and she started panicking as she couldn't get out of Haru's strong grip.

Haru's POV:

She had been calm, why is she struggling? she wont stop trying to get away. "she can't breath, humans need air you baka what are you doing with her anyway?" Sousuke asked while watching the girl struggle. "She's drowning let her up she can't breathe." he said Haru looked at the girl 'She needs to breathe?' he thought. he grabbed her shoulders and smashed his lips to hers, giving her air. Her eyes were wide as saucers starring at him. Both Y/n and Sousuke were shocked at what Haru did.

"You will stay here and be one with the water." Haru said without any emotion. "w-wha-!" Y/n began opening her mouth to protest without thinking of the loss of air. and Haru took the opertunity to kiss her again. Sousuke, feeling very awkward, swam off to find Rin.

Haru did as his instincts told him and moved his head and bit just above Y/n's shoulder (all merpeople have sharper teeth so his are like Rin's just not as sharky more dolphiny) then moved back and looked at her. "now you can swim." was all Y/n heard before blacking out.

Time skip brought to you by stripping ice mages

Y/n POV:

You groggily awoke to hear people bickering not recognizing any of the voices. "Haru how could you do that!? you can't just bite humans! do you know what you've done?" said a green eyed boy with a fish tail patterned like a orca whale to the boy who grabbed you before. Haru looked around uninterested 'the fish tailed boys weren't a dream?' only then the realized you were in a cave laying on a rock. Underwater. Breathing.

You looked down and yelped your legs were a (fav pattern/spirit fish/spirit seabird) tail. The sound of your yelps caused the black haired boy, Haru, the green eyed boy and a boy with sharp teeth and red hair to look at you. The green eyed boy swam up to you "I am so sorry for what Haru did I should have been watching him, I don't know what he was thinking I am so sorry! I'm Makoto by the way." Makoto kept apologizing to you while Haru and the shark toothed boy were quietly talking off to the side.

A blue haired boy and a smaller cheery blonde haired boy with pink eyes swam in through the cave's entrance. The blonde merman swam up to you and hugged you tightly "hi! I'm Nagisa! you must be who Haru-chan talks about!" he said smiling

You looked over to the side to see Haru with pink tinted cheeks "Nagisa let her go!" shouted the blue haired mer as he swam up to you both. "Oh and this is Rei! what's your name?" "I'm Y/n" You replied very confused by the situation. Thinking about what happened earlier you looked to your shoulder and saw it bandaged in seaweed.

Haru swam over grabbed your hand pulling you away from his friends. "I did this so now you can stay here with me" and gently kissed you giving you a soft smile.

How was that? I don't know what I'm doing here at all ^.^

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