Baji Keisuke Boyfriend Headcanons

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Since Banji is canonically the best boyfriend, he's some reasons why

Anime: Tokyo Revengers


- Always has extra hair ties

- Gets all his advice from either his mom or shoujo mangas with Chifuyu

- Wanted to use breath spray once but it was his mom's perfume but his fails are endearing.

- DEFINITELY so proud to be with you like, will grab your hand and have the biggest toothy grin on his face ever, gotta love him.

- Will always share his food with you even though he'd rather eat it himself

- Once panicked because he had already finished his food when you were coming over and tried to steal Draken's to share with you.

- Uses his mom's shampoo and has really soft hair, damn near purrs if you play with his hair.

- If you wear make up he'll definitely let you put some on him but please don't try to make him guess what anything is.

- If you make him something he will eat it even if it turned out a disaster, and never tell you such.

- Puts on his School Outfit when it's time to Meet The Parents and h i d e s of he sees one of them at the grocery store. ducked onto the floor behind a paper towel stand.

- This boy LOVES affection, him hugging around your shoulders from behind with a happy little grin on his face rocking you both side to side a lil

- Tried to take you on a Proper Date for your first official date, showed up wearing a suit and holding flowers. Boy was so uncomfortable and a nervous wreck please love him.

- Really good at sweet gestures in a natural setting! Will tuck a little flower he picked out of someone's pot behind your ear and pick up a candy he just because he saw you eat it once.

- If you're okay will it he will definitely be into some pda, an arm around your shoulder or his hand clasp with yours all the time, will nuzzle his face into your neck happily if he's beside you, and feel free to sit on his lap!

- Shy about kisses though if he doesn't know they're coming, like he'll gladly be making out with you in the hallway or the middle of lunch where people are so annoyed but will be bright pink if you just kiss his cheek. Tries to play it off after he unfreezes but everyone's teasing brings it back tenfold.

- Will totally brag about you. About how nice you are and how great you are and how he has a s/o and they don't and will trail off into a few more sincere and sappy comments before he realizes what he's doing, too caught up in thinking about you.

- Tall boi! will bonk his head all the time but if you get a kick out of it or maybe kiss it better he wont break anything.

- Hides kittens in his jacket to bring, to you so you can be parents, he is Somft.

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