Love Languages: Xingqiu, Bennet, & Diluc

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Game: Genshin Impact

Game: Genshin Impact

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Gift giving and acts of service, he's very attentive about learning of things you enjoy and your tastes, and will get you little gifts (so often that really, he spoils you, and certainly not caring about the cost though he always checks for a fair price) and... Leaves them where you will find them.

He thinks he's sly, a primly wrapped and personal gift left on your bed table or tucked in your pack then pretending he has no idea where it came from, certainly not him of course.

But he's secretly happy you know it's him, like you know his little tells and mark. As if he's not obvious honestly.

Also if you somehow learned to decipher his chicken scratch writing? He would feel so warm and happy inside, and proceed to write you flowery little love letters frequently that seem even harder to read than usual, but he truly tries.


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Quality time!

He loves being around you all the time and is so, so happy if you don't mind being around him even with how unlucky he is! He really likes to bring you gifts too, but something always happens.

Like on one of his adventures he found a really nice watch! But it stopped working before he got to give it to you. Or bringing you flowers he picked, and then tripped and landed on them while running up to you, or taking you out to Good Hunter and them having just run out of everything except Salad before you got there...

But if you still smile, still thank him or give his hand a little reassuring squeeze (even if you do hit a huge bruise you forgot was there now), he'll be more than happy again, because he loves you and despite it all, you enjoy being around him.

But! His only partially-burnt fried eggs always turn out for you, even when his are a little... Extra smokey.


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Touch, Gift Giving

Your touch is what affects him most. He's busy and over works himself to the bone, he is a worn and haggard man at times and your reassuring hand when he gets home, your smile, even if chiding, makes him feel more at home than he believed possible.

He feels very guilty about how little time he often gets to spend with you, and gets you many gifts. He knows it doesn't make up for his lack of presence but hopes you forgive him a little bit.

All his gifts are extremely thoughtful and you often wonder how he knows you so well, whether it be a book you spoke of or had no clue you would like so much, clothing perfectly suited to your tastes or trinkets no matter how small the gift is, you know how heartfelt it is.

He also has money and finds no better reason to use it than to acquire something that could make you smile.

Also he will frequently order your favorites from Good Hunter and have it delivered to you or stop by to eat with you if he has time.

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