How The Boys Feel After They Call You Mom - Mello, Matt, Near

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Anime: Death Note

Mail Jeevas: Matt doesn't remember his parents at all, sure he knows he had a mom at some point but he has no memories or keepsakes to remind him of them, but he's seen Near call you mom, and even with how grumpy Mello pretends when you dote on him he knows it's a 'motherly' thing, and is happy when you do the same to him! He's happily unbothered by calling you 'Mom' and feels it's natural and beams when you look happy that he did so.

Mihael Kheel: He's angry with himself, embarrassed and almost feeling sick multiple times in the beginning. His face burns once he realizes what he did, angry at you, at himself for such a slip up, and then it hurts. His mother left him, you're not her, not his mother and nothing like her, how could he call you that? As if he forgot his own mother who left him? He might hate Near, envy him, for not remembering her before she left but he does. Her face and her voice and telling him to "be a good boy for the sitter" while handing him a chocolate bar before leaving again. And it hurts even more when you don't bring it up, he could scream and say you're wrong but instead you let him cry and gently try to soothe him and Mellow finds himself clinging to you, sobbing into your shirt and almost delirious as he begs you not to leave.

Nate River: Near isn't bothered the way Mello is, with how young he was even he doesn't remember their mother much. He could still pick out her perfume, remembers blurry out of focus figures of a woman, and a bit of deja vu with some things, but he doesn't really remember having a 'mom'. But when you comfort him when he's scared, card your fingers through his hair, and just let him cling to you when he's anxious feel like how he vaguely believes a mother would, he is glad he gets to call you such. 

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