I Miss You - Kaminari Denki headcanon

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Anime: Boku no Hero Academia

If you tell him you miss him? he will be so utterly happy.

A short little morning text of "I miss you <3" will fill his chest with such fuzzy warmth he feels ready to combust, he stands there staring at his phone with a watery smile so truly Happy he can't take it!

Then he has to show everyone, the squad first, and poor Ojiro who happened to be walking by, all get his phone quickly shoved in their face with him excitedly rambling that you miss him! you miss him and sent a heart too!!

It's only when he shoves it into Bakugo's face and gets a "Tch. All this and you don't even fucking reply, nice."

He screeches, how did he not think to reply to you, it's been forever! (in Denki hyperdrive)

His hands are trembling while he tries typing out how much he misses you and loves you and wants to see you later or text if you're busy and he's so lonely without you- his typos are 70% worse than usual from being so emotional and fast.

He accidentally shocks his phone while typing out "I luv u <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <-"and he shrieks, begging it to turn back on ignoring the threats around him to quiet down, did it send? he's praying it sent, what if it didn't and you don't think he loves you?

You told him his 'i love yous' are your good luck charm!

He's panicking so much until Sero or Kiri finally take pity giving their phones a sacrificial chance and let it be snatched by Denki to finish texting you with So many more apologies.

Once he's done freaking out though, your text stays in his mind the entire day. He's just sitting in class with a dreamy look on his face, smiling into the distance picturing your little text bubble and maybe your voice saying you miss him.

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