Annie Leonhart {mine}

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Here is a reedited version.

A/N: Pronouns used that work for Nonbinary, Male, OR Female reader. And ya know something? Reiner Braun thinks you're attractive then he's going to flirt you up no matter your gender.

Anime: Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin

Y/n POV:

You never wanted to believe Annie was the female titan.

Though it made sense how she had checked if it was you under your hood when she was killing just about everyone in here titan form. She used to watch out for you a bit when everyone was training together.

She'd always seemed to try and sway your decision of joining the Survey Corps, saying how it was suicide seeing how everyone died.

When you were training in hand to hand combat one evening Reiner had come up and started flirting with you, which caused Annie to get up from her tree, walk over and kick him in the stomach.

After she'd punched him in the throat and knocked his feet out from under him and finally decided he'd had enough and walked away. You trailing behind. You could recall many times when she'd kicked the asses of anyone who dare flirted with or bothered you.

You had thought nothing of it for so long.

Unlike most, you had stuck by her whether she liked it or not. Always sitting by her at dinner or just walking with her. You cared about her and would stick by her side, that's what friends do right?

On the night when everyone was joining their groups and most were leaving she had been standing next to you

"I live only for myself but I worry about your safety." she said quietly enough for only you to hear, shocking you.

It was her last attempt as she tried to sway your decision from joining the Survey Corps for the last time. Before you could find a reply to her caring words, she'd already walked off the field to go join MP's.

But even after being somewhat friends, you couldn't let her go killing not only everyone you cared about but random innocent people as well.

"Annie why, why are you doing this." you asked to no one while from building to building, finally shooting yourself towards her running form. But before it was possibly for you to do anything, she ate you.

Well captured you in her mouth, her titan tongue was pressing you against the back of her throat. 'Disgusting' you thought 'being pinned by a giant tongue was not something I ever thought I'd do.'

You desperately tried using your blades to cut her tongue away from your body but couldn't do much because of her moving and being hit.

You didn't know what was happening but could hear the yelling of another titan, Eren. You yelled trying to get someone to hear. You couldn't die like this. You had to get out. But before you could do anything, everything started glowing and you could hear her.

Third POV:

In the giant crystal was Annie Leonhardt, finally captured but useless to the military. Next to her lay Y/n L/n, enclosed in the crystal, eyes wide and mouth open as if silently screaming to their comrades, arm outstretched blade still in hand from trying to cut a way out of Annie's titan while was pressed against the back of its throat. Annie held (Y/n) around the waist, trapping (Y/n) in the crystal freezing Y/n in her arms.

You could see them. Jean hitting the casing with his blades, breaking them. Corporal Levi walking up to him. You could see everyone but couldn't speak. Couldn't move. But you could hear her, over and over. The unending mantra of Annie's voice: "Safe with me." You really am sticking by her side huh?

Well uh. this turned out kinda... dark?
Annie joined Survey Corps for this I guess?


You had finally finished cleaning the halls, the windows and the kitchen.

After helping Connie play a prank on Corporal by hiding his cleaning supplies, but when he found out, Connie bailed as soon as he saw the opening.

So since you no longer had a 'partner in crime' you received full punishment leaving.

So much work left you sweaty and disgusting from cleaning. After putting the mop and other cleaning junk away you headed towards the showers. Some of the other cadets(random people idk) saw you and whistled, commenting at how your clothes clung nicely to your body and calling you some rather annoying names to which you would very much like to knock their teeth out for.

But before you had the chance, you no longer needed to. Annie had knocked one of the group unconscious and had the other two on the ground groaning in pain.

She walked up and grabbed your sleeve

"Come." she ordered and obediently you followed her to a shady tree and Annie sat down. You was about to join her next to the tree when she pulled you onto her lap and wrapped her arms around your waist "Your MINE. Got it (L/n)? Stay away from those idiots." and swiftly pulling you into a chaste kiss.

Chores forgotten we ended up staying under the tree kissing for hours. Which was all good till you got another month of stable duty.

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