Nagisa Hazuki. {Blobs}

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Anime: Free!

Y/n POV:

You were heading back home to straighten up, your adorable boyfriend Nagisa, who you hadn't seen in forever because of work was finally coming for a visit! Upon reaching you house you found the door unlocked, cautiously you walked in and did not expect what you saw.

Nagisa on your couch surrounded by.... blobs? they looked like colorful squishy blobs.

"Y/N-CHAN!" he shouted and ran towards you locking you in a hug "N-Nagisa what are you doing here and what are those things?" you asked wide eyed as all the blobs turned their attention to you and Nagisa "Y/n-chan your back! we've been waiting forever! did you forget I was coming?" he said still crushing you in his hug. "Nagisa what are those things?" you repeated while returning the bone crushing hug.

Once you looked around you realized there were about 2 dozen all around your living room. And all of them were watching you. (creepy much little blobs?)

"We came to visit of course! did you forget? silly Y/n-chan." you put your grocery bags on the floor. The colorful blobs started to advance towards you and you stepped back "Don't worry they wont hurt you!" Nagisa said while picking up a purple one and shoving it in your face. You stumbled back and landed on your butt. "hehe are you ok Y/n?" he said giggling while holding the cute blobish thing.

"Yea I'm fine." you said while getting up and dusting yourself off. "Nagisa who-or what are these little friends of yours?" you questioned eyeing the blobs that had come closer to inspect you. "Oh I forgot you hadn't met them yet Y/n-chan! aren't they cute? Those 2 are Rin and Haru" he said pointing to a red and a blue blob that were sitting on your couch together "That one is Iwatobi-chan" he said pointing to a grey blob that was in the corner and seemed to be glaring at you. He told you the names of the rest and was happily talking about their personalities.

"Um Nagisa?" "Hmm? what is it Y/n-chan?" "Where did they come from?" you said while gesturing to the group of blobs who were making some whale-like sounds"Oh! the space station. they are just to cute so I brought them along with me to come see you!" He said with his cute cheerful smile "You just brought them here? you could get fired! what if they're dangerous?" You asked worriedly.

"They aren't dangerous, look! plus they are to cute to be dangerous" he said with hugging a purple one named Fiz  tightly "Lolli (heck I dunno.) lives with Rin though. she likes him the best." he said thoughtfully.

 "Plus, you need to get to know them!" he handed you a small green blob. finally breaking down, you took the little blob. It was the smallest one, instead of feeling like putty like you expected was very soft and fuzzy but still really squishy. "Well they are pretty cute" you said while holding your green blob up to your face "But why do I need to get to know them?" You asked while carefully petting your blob. "Because they're going to be our family they'll be our children!" he said in his happy cheerful manner.

You gulped. "Fine, but I'm naming this one Jiki"(<anyone recognize this name?) You said while plopping down onto the couch still holding your green blob. Tired and light headed you fell asleep.

Third POV:

Nagisa who had went to get some ice cream came back to the living room and saw Y/n who was still hugging Jiki covered in fuzzy little aliens all snuggled up to her falling asleep as well.

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