Alois Trancy x reader

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Anime: Black Butler

"It's only a matter of time before you leave me too! you'll run away and leave me all alone like every body else!" Alois shouted, his voice cracking at the end as a sob fell from his lips.

"Alois," your voice even, trying to sooth him as he tossed a vase, glass shattering loudly against the wall.

His eyes downcast as he pointed to you, arm trembling slightly "You're going to leave me all alone. Everyone leaves me." his voice quiet and scared, he really thought you were leaving him. Alois fell to his knees on the floor, sobbing.

You slowly walked towards Alois, kneeling down in front of the sobbing boy. Gently your hand caressed his leg lightly, as not to startle him. Alois stiffened at your touch, usually your presence, your touch, was enough to calm him and make him feel better.
But having it aimed at you, having him even think, let alone believe such things make your heart ache.

"Alois have I ever tried to leave you?"
He balled his fists, rubbing his eyes furiously while ignoring your question.

He hated feeling like this, he hated feeling weak. Like once again, he could do nothing to stop from losing those he loves. It made him so angry and lost. He couldn't take it.

 Carefully you tug Alois's arms down from his face, letting them fall to his sides in defeat. His eyes still tightly clenched shut refusing to look at you, his bottom lip trembling from crying. "Alois, look at me" you begged. "Darling please."

As you gently brush the tears away from his cheek with your thumb Alois slowly opens his crystal eyes, like shattered glass and filled with tears. He stares at you looking so broken and helpless.
"No. . .but you will. You haven't yet-" his voice rises as the anger starts returning and he moves to get up, gripping the sleeves of his jacket tightly so he wont leave and tugging him closer to you.

"I haven't left you Alois. I haven't tried," The softness of your voice now stern as you laced your fingers with his, something he always thought was adorable "and do you know why that is?"

Alois only swallows, staring at your entwined hands and awaiting your answer.
"It's because I don't want to leave you." his eyes shot up, staring at you with disbelief. Letting go of his hand you gently cup his face "Alois I don't want to leave you, or abandon you at all. I love you Alois and I would never do that."

Unable to fully comprehend your words, tears pour from his eyes trying to tell if you really said that to him.
Pulling him into a tight embrace, his arms quickly flying around your waist to keep you from leaving. You hold his head to rest on your chest, wrapping your arms around him while he soaks your shoulder in tears.

"Never leave me (Y/n). . ." Alois's voice so quiet, barely above a whisper as his grip tightens around you "please. Never leave me." he chokes out the words while holding onto you as if you are his lifeline.

"I would never dream of it your highness." pressing a small kiss against his hair "My precious Alois."

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