Koku NSFW oneshot: Cum Eating

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Anime: B the Beginning

Koku laid sprawled on the bed, hair against the pillow only adding to the angel-esque view that his trembling wings offered, with his shirt was left unbuttoned and one of your hands continued to tease his hardened nipples and the other stroked him in short, jerking movements.

Desperate moans cover up everything else in the room.

His legs shook while you kept pumping him, lips trailing kisses and nipping his neck until all he can do is whine under you.

Koku tried to bite his lip, hoping to regain any of his self control as you hastened your motions but quickly failed as he moaned louder, your mouth still attached to his throat, now sucking at the juncture above his collarbone.

His hoarse cries became near silent attempts as he struggled for breath, body trembling and weak legs trying to pull you harder against him, Koku's arms wrapped themselves tightly around your torso, holding you for his life.

Black wings clenching painfully, spread against the mattress as you push him to the peak, his burning face buried in your neck and unbridled moaning fills the air.

"Please-" his voice is so ragged and broken you can barely hear.

You cup your hand over the head as he cums, white spurting all over your palm as the other hand keeps pumping him through the finish.

Once the last of it is emptied into your hand, you look up at Koku, his mouth hangs open still from his last blissful cry, eyes hooded and cloudy. He lets out a shaky breath while you move to lay beside him, turning just enough to give you a tired smile.

You raise the hand that's coated in him, Koku's eyes widen and he starts to stutter something that would probably be an apology but you shush him, eyes glinting in either mischief or lust, he isn't sure, but two, white coated fingers brush his bottom lip and he gulps knowing exactly what you want.

Tentatively his tongue darts out, a short lick over the cum gently smeared on, he glances at you to see your reaction, it goes unnoticed with your gaze locked solely where his tongue briefly brushed your fingertips against his lips.

You turn your hand, sticky palm held a few inches from his face, he could turn away, easily ignore it, but he raises himself on his elbows, and slowly licks a long strip across your palm.

His wings flutter seeing the fire in your eyes and Koku just pulls the hand closer, raised directly to his mouth and eyes locking with yours while he keeps cleaning away his mess.

When he finishes, you're quickly pressed against him in a heated kiss, your body pining him completely to the bed, wings fluttering helplessly while his foggy mind tries to catch up with your feverish passion.

You push yourself up to look down at him, red faced and breathless, all for you, because of you.

So beautiful on display, you lick your lips and Koku just awaits your next move, anticipation gnawing inside him.

Torturously slow, you brush your thumb across his bottom lip, tugging it down slightly. An open mouthed grin on your face when he catches your gaze.

"We're nowhere close to being done now."

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