Gareki {busy}

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Anime: Karneval

Gareki POV:

Trying to read a book I heard a loud crash followed by giggling, what were those idiots up to THIS time? oh wait...

{Flashback to earlier}

"Gareki! come play tag with me, Yogi and Y/n are playing too!" Nai said smiling "No I'm busy." "Aww come on Gareki pleease?" he tried again "No I'm busy just leave me alone already!" Nai pouted and went back to find his friends.

A few minutes later the H/c girl walked up to me and tapped my shoulder making me look up. "Please come play tag with us Gareki?" she said while tilting her head (adorably) and giving me her best puppy eyes, I blushed at the sight of her cuteness "Y-y/n I'm busy go play with Nai or something" I said raising my book to hide my blushing face. She huffed at me and took a sheep with her as she left.

{flashback thingy ended}

After getting sick of hearing all the crashes and laughing of those childish freaks. I went to my and Nai's room and laid down to (finally) get some reading done. It had been at least a half hour without any sounds of breaking glass or falling furniture. What were they up to I wondered. Just minutes after that thought crossed my mind the H/c girl who haunted my thoughts once again appeared, seeming to not have noticed me as she looked around the room as I waiting quietly to see what she was up to.

As footsteps were heard coming down the hall she squeaked in surprise and quickly hid under the bed. She did hadn't noticed me? What is wrong with that girl I wondered shaking my head. "Y/n? Y/n where are you!" I heard Yogi say while laughing. Nai opened the door and peaked in. He scanned the room and ran off to continue their search not seeing her shoes under the bed. Is everyone here blind or something?

After a few moments she still hadn't come out from under the bed so I hopped down and grabbed one of her ankles pulling her out of her hiding spot. "What do you think your doing in here?" I asked while hovering above her form "Gareki! sorry I didn't know you were in here we were playing hide and seek I didn't mean to bother you" She explained. "Why do you always play those childish games with them?" I wondered out loud "Because they're fun and entertaining" she said while smiling up at me. "They're childish and stupid." I grumbled while getting up and climbing back to my bed. "Oh don't be such a grouch Gareki" she said while standing on the ladder looking over at me. "I'm not a grouch I'm stating a fact." I softly hit her with a pillow and picked up my book again, with all these interruptions I'll never get the dam thing read. (<um you made that interruption yourself. Gareki: oh shut up its not my fault everyone here is a pest. Y/n is a pest too then? Gareki: well, she is a bit *loses himself in thoughts of you.)

She pushed my book down revealing she was now quite close to my face causing a blush to spread across my cheeks. "Are you blushing Gareki?" she asked "N-no I'm not!" I defended "aw Gareki no need to hide, and learn to lighten up Gareki it's much more fun," and she pressed her lips to mine in a sweet and gentle kiss. "Isn't it?" she finished after pulling away smiling at me seeing I was completely embarrassed. "W-what the! why did y-you j-just" I tried to say and Nai took this moment to run in "Y/n I found you!" he said and ran up and hugged her waist. "Let's play again Y/n, Skumo and the sheep will play too, your it!" he said and ran off to go hide.

"Come on let's get you out of this little bedroom and play" Y/n said while tugging my hand. "L-let go I'm busy!" I tried. she laughed "Well I better go, and by the way Gareki, you look adorable blushing!" she said and pecked my cheek, walking towards the door. I blushed redder if possible "N-no I don't! I'm not blushing!" I replied but my reddened face betrayed me.

Giving up I walked out to get a snack and saw her sitting behind the counter. 'really? that's your hiding spot?' "Oi Y/n, what are you doing?" I asked, startling her. "Oh hey! hiding, why?" she answered "hiding. Y/n your not hidden at all" I sighed. I grabbed an apple walking out 'Y/n you can be the dumbest girl sometimes. How did you ever steal my heart?'

I know I suck at writing these but the adorable Karneval guys need more love! and with my bad story, that little Gareki video is a least worth it! hehe

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