Hanji Zoe. {study} Falling Skies AU

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Anime: Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin

The end of the world does not necessarily mean the world is destroyed, but means the life we know has ended. On _/_/_ the world 'ended' when they came. They invaded and enslaved, but I am one of the few who remain and is fighting against them in this apocalypse.  

When the aliens came everyone was in panic, everyone was all why were they here and what did they want. Well they kinda started killing everyone and enslaving teens. I'm Y/n L/n of the 57 Massachusetts, assistant of Doctor Hanji Zoe. 

Y/n POV:

"YYYY/NNNNNN!" yelled a familiar voice. You turned around to see Hanji running full towards you full speed, not having time to move she tackled you into one of her bone crushing hugs almost breaking your spine.

"Hey Hanji, what's up?" You said after you pried her off with some help from Mike who was walking by.  "They've been sighted not far from here!" she said jumping excitedly. You deadpanned "Hanji, that's not good news." "But think of all we can learn from them! maybe captain shorty will let me capture another one!" she then ran off to go find said midget. 'How is she always so happy?' you wondered.

"Hey Hanji, how are you always so happy about being around them? doesn't it bother you them being here?" you asked the eccentric woman after walking into the nurses office seeing her fawning over the captured skitter. 'Quetzalcoatl' as she called him (or was it a her? eh no one knows they all look just as ugly in your opinion) was shifting on its legs was making high pitched hissing sounds. "But (Y/n) think of all we can learn from them, they're amazing" she stared at the creature dreamily. 'I wonder what it thinks about her acting like that. Maybe there is one of them who acts like that while studying humans?'

Shaking your head to rid yourself of the weird thoughts you pay close attention as Hanji opens the slot to give it some water. "Oh your such a beauty, can you talk to me?" It gives a small screech in reply. You put your hand on the firearm at your side as Hanji puts her hand through the slot. "You sure you should do that Hanji?" She turns to you "Oh it's find (Y/n)." she said waving off your comment. And started talking about Eren Jaeger, one of the harnessed who hadn't turned into an abnormal giant of sorts.

As you were walking back to her temporary room to get the notes she asked for you couldn't help letting your mind wander. Of course going straight to its favorite subject: Hanji Zoe.

Truthfully you worried about her and how she never acted like they were dangerous. You cared deeply for her, more than you'd like to admit. Though most called her crazy and insane you admired her way of being so optimistic and happy considering the situation everyone was in.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? you in there?" Hanji said waving her hand in front of your face, effectively snapping you from your little trance. "Oh! sorry got a little distracted." She eyed you curiously "What were you thinkin' bout anyway (Y/n)? you seemed to be in another world" she said leaning towards you "U-uh e-experiments! yeah about your experiments" you said blushing lightly at how close she was "Aw c'mon (Y/n) you can tell me! I wont judge" she said pouting cutely.

You sighed in relief thinking of a good excuse that she might believe. "I was thinking about how much you like studying them." you said and smiled at her. Giving yourself a mental congrats as she seemed to believe you.

Hanji POV:

She smiled up at me, her soft plump lips curving up. It was just to much. I grabbed Y/n's shoulders pulling her to me and smashed my lips to hers, she tasted so good, why hadn't I done this sooner? She made a small noise of protest but realizing what had happened soon fully complied and kissed back happily making me smile into the kiss and licking her bottom lip. We started running out of breath though. Fucking oxygen I bet its here just to ruin this for me.

Y/n POV:

She pulled away from the kiss panting and breathless you stared up at her in shock. What. just. happened. Then she got a dangerous sparkle in her eye, grinning down at you "I think I've found something else I need to study first" and kissed you again pushing you down onto the couch.



"Where the fuck is shitty glasses she was supposed to meet me here half an how ago.  Springer!"

"Y-yes sir!" I yelped running off to go find Ms. Hanji


 Opening the door to Hanji's room I was met with something I didn't expect to see here. With Christa and Ymir maybe, but not Hanji and Y/n. I ran off once I felt blood start to drip down my nose from staring at them to long.

Heh, welp I was rewatching Falling Skies and this happened  
reader What were you doing in there? I guess the harnesses here turn kids into titan slaves? I don't even know.

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