L/Lawliet oneshot

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Well I accidentally had this sitting on my drafts for 2 years because I kept wanting to post on L's deathaversary but I forgot. Twice. Alternate ending.

Anime: Death Note

November 5th 11:58pm :

He could feel himself die, feel his chest tighten and the life slip out of him. And he knew he stopped breathing, knew his heart quit beating. His body fell backwards, his chair tipping over as he fell to the ground-

L gasp, sucking in a large breath with his eyes shooting open in alarm. Quickly noting that he was laying in bed still, knuckles white as he gripped the sheets, but the cold sweat covering him felt too much like the freezing rain from the roof top. He was never one to have such vivid dreams, but that nightmare felt all too real.

Trying to catch his breath, like if he didn't his life would drain once more, L turned his head to your side of the bed. You were still peacefully unconscious, oblivious to Ryuzaki being almost certain that he had died for a few moments, as ridiculous as the idea was.

But 'Ryuzaki' no longer needed to go by 'Ryuzaki' did he?

No, as of a few hours earlier, L, and for you and Watari, even Lawliet became safe to say once more. Kira, who was Light Yagami as L knew and suspected all along, had been apprehended with Misa the second Kira.

After far too lengthy interrogations, Light had given a last scream of being the 'god of the new world' before writing his own name on a scrap of paper within his wristwatch.

Misa went into hysterics and got life in prison within complete solitary.

The world was safe from Kira now. Both notebooks stored away where only he and Watari could find them. But why did his dream seem so authentic, as if his true fate left him dead on a rooftop and Kira still running free.

Dreams don't have meaning.

He told himself anyway, doing his best to ignore the aching feeling in his gut. Maybe you were actually right about how he shouldn't eat sweets directly before bed. Yes, that's all it was.

Not that he had been planning to go to bed in the first place, but you insisted he rest, and told him he had no excuse to argue now that he had succeeded in solving the case.

Lawliet never could defy your wishes for too long anyway, only ever giving monotone protests whilst you dragged him from his work to finally sleep.

Watari would only chuckle and watch at times when you forced L into resting, or the horrible occasions when he was forced to ask himself whether you loved or truly hated him, making him eat at the very least- semi healthy foods from time to time. But for you he would suffer through.

At least he was always rewarded with a "Good Boy Kiss" as you jokingly called it, and would run your fingers through his hair when he returned to work.

L rolled to lie on his back, uncurling from the fetal position he had taken while sleeping.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he had almost lost all of this, that if he had forgotten one crucial step that he would have never seen you again, never seen your smile or felt your warmth.

The feeling that he had almost lost it all.

But no, you were here beside him, both of you safe and tucked beneath the soft blankets

Tentatively, he reached out a cool hand to brush your cheek ever so lightly, his nightmare having been so real that he felt the need to make sure you weren't a dream as well.

It was enough to rouse you awake though, groggily open your eyes to see Lawliet's panda like gaze staring back.

You could make out the blurrily bright numbers of the clock set on the nightstand behind him, why was he awake so soon? L tended to sleep for three days straight as soon as his eyes shut.

Fighting off sleep, you turn your eyes back to L, scanning his features as his thumb still brushed softly over you.

But something was off, as usual he laid facing you, and although his body language was calm, there was something different in his eyes.

In anyone else you would say it was fear, but you had never seen Lawliet in such an emotion, you could recall once a few months ago when you had taken a detour coming back to his office from a special sweets-run for him and he called you, or more, had Watari call but taken the phone as soon as you answered.

At that time you could hear the edge of worry in his tone, that only you would be able to catch, and see the bit of relief in his eyes when you returned from the errand. But fear was something that L did not entertain.

Now though, more awake and watching him, he appeared more vulnerable than he ever had,

"Come on baby, you need rest." your voice was soft and hushed as you pull him closer to rest his head on your chest.

L wrapped his arms around your waist, clinging to you tightly and burying his face again you while you petted his hair.

Maybe he did need rest. Maybe the stress of Kira's elaborate and near flawless plans to the sudden relief of no longer searching for Kira, it truly being over this time, had gotten to him. Maybe it was more nights of skipping sleep than he should've taken.

But this is why he knew he could never slack during a case, never rest more than absolutely necessary to function. Possibly even less if anything like Kira were to ever happened again. Because if he did, he would lose this. He would lose you.

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