Giyuu Tomioka relationship headcanons

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Anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba

- Needless to say you mean everything to him and he would without hesitation lay down his life for you. You mean everything to Giyuu and he will do everything in his power and then some to keep you safe.

On a lighter note,

- He lives for soft affection, he's terrible at initiating but if you slide your hand into his he'll be pleasantly startled, even if it doesn't show.

- Prefers to be a bit more reserved in public but he wont complain if you're feeling cuddly or needy, wrap him in a hug and he certainly wont push you away, he needs it.

- Resting your hand on his shoulder for comfort or as a reminder that you're there always makes him calmer,

- Really loves when you give him cheek kisses throughout the day, even though the other Hashira's tease him about it, especially if you've made his cheeks the fainted tint warmer.

- Giyuu isn't the greatest at showing how much he cares but you learn to easily spot his moments,

- Since Shinobu discovered her degrading Giyuu's self esteem kink it always hits a cold and sore spot he didn't realize he had.

- So any time he's feeling down, Shinobu related or not, or if you just want to make him Soft™️ and feel loved just tell him to enjoy being in his company, he looks at you surprised and his heart goes Weak, Good Boy filled with happiness.

- Sometimes he just stares at you with such a look of smitten fondess he can't help it.

- It's also at rather random when he says "I love you", just walking up when he's been thinking about you through the day, seeing you interact with animals like he never could, during the occasional demon hunt glancing over at you before a quick decapitation.

- He has No Clue what to do in a relationship but is willing to go on whatever dates you have in mind, whether it's just a walk or wandering through the nearest town, he'll also "subtly" slide his hand into yours if you haven't already.

- If you wrap your arms around his waist from behind and put your chin on his shoulder and just hug him from behind while at the headquarters he wont say anything but give a content little huff, much happier than before.

- Laying with you in the early morning and just watching you sleep is his favorite, pulling you closer, wrapped tightly in his arms and wishing he could stay there forever, you safely in his arms with only the warm sunlight as a disturbance.

 - He might cuddle you a little too tightly and wake you, but apologizes with soft kisses.

- His haori is always clean and smells so nice and fresh, it makes him even more huggable.

- Once you nab it to try on it wont be long before he finds you and his throat feels like it's closing up for a moment seeing you in it.

- If you glide your fingers along his cheek he'll lean into your touch, blue eyes so beautiful before he closes them, if there's time or he'll rest his hand over yours and just be content for a moment.

- He doesn't say much, even around you and sometimes is a little anxious about that due to Shinobu's goading, but you've learned to read his expressions and small tells rather easily to know what he's thinking.

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