Yuji Itadori and Acts of Service

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Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen

Yuji Itadori is a generous, giving person. It has always been how he shows he cares, and for Yuji, showing his love for you has come most naturally of all.

Yuji shows his affection in many ways, in loud declarations, in hugging you close while watching movies together, bringing you little trinkets or snacks if he went through part of a city without you.

His face comes alight with a laugh every time you still manage to be surprised that he cooked for you, and he loves trying to find out your favorite foods so he can learn to make them without you knowing.

If you're cold he'll have already have handed you his jacket before you noticed, he makes sure your pillow is extra-fluffed before bed whenever you have a sleepover, he can never find his own keys but somehow always remembers just where you left yours, and will shush everyone in the school if he needs to so you can stay peacefully napping any time of day.

You may not notice all the little things Yuji does for you at first, in a way he doesn't really either, as the little actions come naturally to him. But when you do they all become apparent and you feel a surge of warmth at just how much he does. 

Just part of a little Love Languages ask game I did on tumblr yesterday :)

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