Kaminari Denki - The Softness of Boobs

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Anime: Boku no Hero Academia

No pronouns, but some soft mammaries are the subject

Kaminari Denki is a good boy.

Don't get the wrong idea, even though he's labeled by some as a pervert for his communicated with...obscene purples, he is very respectful! And would never purposely cross any boundaries.

 It's just, they look so soft.

He's heard stories about how supple and tender, dreamed about experiencing them as perfect pillows like in all those cheesy hipster couple photos...

And he tries not to stare! Truly, but they're so nice to look at, could they really be as soft as he's always imagined?

He's tried groping himself, but pecs after so much training just don't cut it.

Kaminari whines, flopping forward and dropping his head onto the open and unwanted textbook in front of him. You look up from your own, pen between your teeth and can't help but grin at how adorable he is.

"Something wrong babe?" You poke his puffed cheek with the end of your pen and it furthers his pout and turning away before springing back up, back straight and cross legged beside you once more, eyes shining with renewed vigor and grinning so cute.

Your camera roll is already filled with him but he's so adorable you itch to take another.

He scoots himself closer so his knee bumps yours, hands clasping together and giving you the big round puppy eyes he knows are your weakness.

"Can I touch your boobs?" he says it so simply, like a perfectly innocent request.

You can't help but raise an eyebrow in question, but turn to sit facing him anyway. "Uh, I guess?"

"Please? I don't mean anything dirty, though that sounds great too, wait forget that no! I just mean that they look so nice and soft and I just really wonder what they feel like-wait, what?" His eyes widen comically when once he acknowledges what you said, ears going hot and pink.

You stifle a chuckle at his astonished face, leaning back on your hands and chest angled forward. "Go ahead, Denks."

Sporting a toothy grin as your speechlessly happy boyfriend slowly raises his hand towards you.

Watching him visibly gulp, as if witnessing him have some life-changing event occur before your very eyes-, you almost feel sorry for his inevitable disappointment until his hand makes contact with your clothed chest, giving an experimental little squeeze and he squeaks.

"Everything ok babe?" His other hand quickly joins the one on your chest, gently kneading the soft flesh and his gaze completely focused on the task literally, at hand.

"Oh my god." he whispers, fully entranced by the scene of his own movements. "They're so soft!"

He nearly squeals before launching himself forward, face landing on your chest and arms tightly hugging himself to your waist.

"I wanna stay here forever." his words are muffled against you but still filled with the same amazement and he turns to rub his cheek against the soft mound.

Your arms latch around his shoulders, holding him close while he sighs in pure content resting on top of you.

Chuckling at the ridiculous and wonderful boy in your hold. "Were they everything you'd hoped for?"

"Sooo much better." He lets out a drawn out moan burying his face against the softness again, and hugging you tighter, making you dissolve into laughter.

You're tempted to reach for his phone, to capture the moment from a dozen barely changing angles, but even lying back on the carpet, you're just too comfortable with him squirming happily in your arms.

"For real though, can I just stay like this forever? Please? Pretty please?" he looks up at you, chin propped on your chest, bottom lip jutting out and giving his most cutesy begging face.

Your arms unlock around him to instead boop his nose turning him cross eyed "After we finish chemistry, then you're welcome to."

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