Mad Sorcerer Thistle relationship headcanons

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Look man, I wasn't trying to write yandere or anything, just ask yourself if you'd really turn down being the s/o companion of a cute overpowered sorcerer elf in his mega dungeon.

Warnings: stalkerish? kidnapping? neither are intended but you could see it that way.

Anime Manga: Dungeon Meshi

- For some reason you caught his eye while traversing the dungeon, something from checking in on your clumsy party led to him having monsters keep an eye on you as you explored.

- Peeking through the eyes of his creatures to check in on your progress occasionally throughout the day.

- Your companions, weak and unprepared either deserted or were picked off by monsters but after awhile it seemed they would just ignore you? Attacking your comrades but bypassing you completely even in the midst of battle.

- You had been attacked once, a bladefish slicing across your arm and after seeing the look of pain cross your face Thistle clenched his fist and half the bladefish population on the level depleted. Dead, transformed, he didn't care.

 - After not being attacked in the next battles you noticed their lack of interest in you and tried talking to the others in your party but they dismissed you, not caring about foolish 'luck'.

- Any time you were 'wanting' something it would appear with haste, shelter coming complete with more amenities than other adventurers would find, but Thistle became so annoyed when others would take what was provided for you.

- He finally...approached you while you were alone. In reality he just wanted to view you in person and hadn't particularly meant to be spotted, but when you saw him and walked closer to say hi, he couldn't find himself to flee.

- Thistle has not thought about why he wants you near, and doesn't care to. At first he had considered putting you within the Golden Kingdom, as it's the safest place to be, but he would rather you be with him.

- He loves seeing you your curious gaze eyeing everything new, monsters you've never seen before, plants you've never heard of, the wonderous look in your eyes when he springs something new from the blood of another, it makes his cheeks warm.

- You're either at his side while he patrols through the dungeon "Looking for Derghal" with him, or spending much of your time within the protected kingdom, especially when a party reaches further down and he sends you there to be safer.

- Yaado welcomes you kindly, happy to have someone new around and there's always a nice meal prepared when you visit.

- It was strange for Thistle to bring someone into the kingdom and even more shocking when you told him you were in a relationship with the mad sorcerer.

- He wanted to warn you, about how crazed and relentless he was, but Yaado knew it would do you no good, you were happy with Thistle and worrying you would help no one. There's no escape anyway.

- But he pitied you each time you left with Thistle, almost hoping you wouldn't come back and be free, a little bit of him dared to hope you might soften the mage as well.

- Even while in the dungeon with him you have the same blessings bestowed on you, immortality to be with him and safe forever, and kindness from all the monsters he creates.

- Also for them to protect you at any costs,

- He's not particularly touchy, fully used to being mostly alone and keeping things fully to himself even before creating the dungeon.

- But he wont stop you from being touchy, he may not fully understand how he feels or reciprocate, but he relishes in your touch and would be more than happy to just stand in your warm hug or let you cling to him.

- He's rather quiet but loves listening to you talk and will answer any questions you have, even if they're short replies.

- For being so 'stoic' and 'evil' he's rather easy to fluster, a little kiss on his cheek or holding his hand and his face will flush and he will be frozen with wide eyes.

- Then ducking his head and looking away from you in embarrassment, but his cheeks will go even darker if you make it known you've noticed, or laughed at his reaction.

- He's never had the dungeon bring much for himself but now that you're traveling with him he makes it produce anything you desire.

- Back during his time in the original kingdom he would sometimes sing for Derghal, he hadn't done so in hundreds of years but one night when you were having trouble sleeping he sat on the plush, extravagant bed the dungeon had brought to you and sang to you, with your head in his lap as he had once done for his friend.

- His voice is beautiful, a trait of many elves, but there's a slightly haunting tone that you believe is just him.

- He became surprisingly shy when you complimented him on it, and agreed to sing to you again as you were ready to beg him to hear something so entrancing again.

- Thistle would sing to you any time you pleased if you asked.

- When something he does or creates makes you visibly happy he feels so warm inside, and is filled with a desire to keep you like that always, but for some reason he knows a dungeon illusion would not suffice.

- He answers any questions you have about the dungeons, or monsters within it, about anything really, even the old kingdom. Though it usually delves into speaking of Derghal and ends up best not to ask.

- His temper is not always the best, sometimes growing frustrated with his determined quest to find Derghal, but he instantly regrets any time he has snapped at you, and does his best to apologize.

- Although he isn't very good at apologies, he quietly brings you gifts and things he knows you like, (he memorizes everything you seem to like, and the same with what you don't.) and will quietly sing to you as well.

- If your hair is long enough he would gladly give you intricate braids or gently twirl the strands as you slept.

- If you by any chance are curious about magic and would like to learn he would gladly teach you everything he knows. All his spell book and that tucked within the kingdom would be yours to learn in time, he finds himself very fond of the thought of you being so powerful alongside him, protecting the kingdom and finding Derghal.

- Upon returning the king then you and him to join everyone, and be so happy together.

- Strangely it becomes a frequent dream of his, after going so many years without any dreams or caring to sleep at all, when joining you to rest he receives many like it.

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