Author's Note

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Updates are very slow at the moment. Everything just breaks on me. So it'll be hard and awkward for me to update everyday therefore I'm narrowing updates to   once a week. Sorry... I would rather my writing be better than it would if I rushed it and it had like a billion grammar, spelling, punctuation errors throughout each chapter. (Not that I don't have any now but, I don't want it to be worse.)

Does anybody else like to read comments other Wattpad users have put on stories? I swear whenever something comes up with a comment I read it and end up crying because everyone is just hilarious...

Anyway, updates will be slower and I will try my best to update regularly just for you. :D I love the fact that the views of the story have increased because I honestly never thought I would get more than 100... I know. Apparently I must have some sort of skill in the writing arts.

I 'm currently planning another story but I vow to start writing it when I'm half way through Glasses and Tattoos and when I have more availability to update whenever technology decides to show some consideration and help me out once in a while. Technology is disturbingly good but annoys the piss out of me all the time.


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