Chapter 14: Feeling Vengeful

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Day 1: Beginning of challenge. I don't  even know what the challenge is called, I'm not in a creative mood to come up with something but it will have a name! Eventually...

Do not let Ollie seduce you! Do not let Ollie seduce you! I need to keep this in mind if I want to win. I'm a very competitive person. I refuse to lose.

My phone pings. I run over to the night stand in my room and see the message Ollie has sent me:

Good morning beautiful. I hope you are ready for school because I'm at your door.

I roll my eyes and go downstairs to make some breakfast and work some more on my homework. Five minutes later, my phone pings again.

Could you at least let me in? I know you read my message and it's freezing out here! I let out a little chuckle and stroll to the door. I open it and see Ollie giving me his signature grin.

"Good morning. You look mighty ravishing this fine morning." He says with a posh-ish accent. I roll my eyes and move away from the door to let him in. I walk back into the kitchen and hear the door close and Ollie following behind. He waves at my Mom who's sitting on the couch. She smiles and waves back at him.

I grab my spoon and continue eating my cereal. Ollie grabs the stool on the opposite side of the table and watches me eat.

"You're staring." I say look at the piece of homework on the table.                                                                    

"So?" He asks.

"It's weird."

"No it isn't."


"It isn't when you stare at me." My eyes snap up to his and I see him smiling victoriously down at me.

"I don't stare." I refuse.


"Don't." I say in boredom look back down at my homework.



"Don't." I can tell he's trying to catch me out.

"Don't." I smile. "That's the oldest trick in the book Mr. Calar." I see Ollie roll his eyes in defeat.

"You ready to go?" Ollie asks.

"Yeah." I say and grab my back pack off of the table. I walk to the door of my house. "Bye Mom!" I call back and I hear her reply.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you." He says walking past me to his bike. Wait... What?! His bike?  "We're using my bike today as one of my tires on my truck miraculously burst this morning!" He says mocking shock.

"B-but you know I hate your bike!" I whine.

"Sorry darling. My truck is unavailable right now." Ugh! Ollie picks up a helmet off of the back of the bike. He walks back over to me and stops an inch from me. He captures the gaze of my eyes and brushes my hair out of my face leaving sparks where the tips of his fingers touch my cheeks. He tucks the stray strands behind my ear and lets his hand linger. He places the helmet on my head and tips my chin up delicately with one finger to do up the clasp and tighten it.

"Ready?" He breathes. I nod my head. Ollie walks over to his bike and straddles it. He's wearing a white shirt that clings to him in all the right places. As he leans over to ignite the bike, his muscles ripple causing me to admire his figure. His muscles in his back flex and stretch the material around him. Wow... I think I literally just drooled. He looks like a guy from an overly clichéd teenage romance movie.

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