Chapter 28: Goodbye

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A weird ass dream wakes me up. All I can remember is someone's hair trying to kill me and I ended up living in a marshmallow for protection against the murderous hair. It's still dark out and I've only been asleep for over an hour.

I have no idea why I would have that kind of dream. Under these certain circumstances of Ollie leaving in a few hours, I thought I would have had some kind of dream inflicted due to that. But apparently my wonderful mind wants to vision a murderous hair. I'm worried how things circulate through my brain.

Turning my head to the side, I notice that Ollie is still here and asleep. His arms are tangled around me it's hard to move, and his face is so close to mine I can see the small scars.

His face is relaxed and his breathing is evenly laboured. Just seeing him this at peace makes me want to fix everything and take away all his pain and memories of the abuse and fear.

I lift a hand to his face and caress his cheek. No one should have to go through anything like that. No one should have to live in his fear. I brush the few strands of hair from his face. This the last time I'll see him like this.

Ollie stirs and I stop my movements immediately, hoping to keep him in his slumber. In a few hours, he'll be on his way to Australia and away from the torture.

His eyes slowly open and when he looks at me, a grin plays on his face.

"Hey." He whispers huskily.

"Hi. I didn't think you'd still be here." I reply.

"I want to spend as much time with you as possible before I leave with Grace."

"I understand."

"You do?" He whispers pulling me closer against him. If that's possible.


"You know that if there was another option to stay here, I would take it in a heart beat." He says and brushes some hair away which has fallen into my face.

"I would too." I whisper and Ollie buries his head in the crook of my neck and murners: "I love you."

"Ollie?" I ask after a few minutes of lying in this position.

"Yeah?" He asks and lift his head up to look at me.

"What happens to us when you've gone?" Ollie's face turns from neutral to curious then to worried.

"I don't know... I guess we'll have no relationship."

"I understand." I say barley audible. This is what needs to be done. I encourage myself. I'm not going to do anything to stop him from making one of the most important decisions for both him and Grace.

Ollie doesn't reply but instead he just pushes his lips against mine. When he pulls away he lays on his side and pulls me into him again. This is where I want to be.


The ray of light shines through my window, blinding me awake. I look to my left and notice the empty space. On my pillow there's a note from Ollie: meet me at the diner at 9:30. I look over to my clock and see that it's 9:25. Shit!

I quickly throw the covers off of me and run to my wardrobe to get dressed. Ollie's plane leaves in 35 minutes and it takes 15 to get to the airport.

3 minutes later, I'm running out the door and down the street to the diner. In the parking lot, I see Ollie's truck but he's not in there. Looking in the diner window, I see him sitting with his younger sister, Grace. She is the spitting image of him. From the distance the only similarities I see are the hair and face shape.

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