Chapter 46: Don't Get Your Hopes up

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"Yes." I say in response to Ollie's earlier question. His head shoots up to mine.

"What?" He asks shocked.

"Yes. I'll be your ten day girlfriend." I reply with a giggle. Ollie's face completely lights up and he laughs in delight.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes." I laugh. He looks so adorable right now. He hugs me to him and gives me a little squeeze. He pulls back and kissed me. Hard.

"I love you." He says looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too." I reply smiling and I mean it.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for those words to come from your tempting mouth." He smiles and kisses me again.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted to say those words to you." I reply truthfully. I put my forehead against his and close my eyes.

I look back at Ollie after a few moments and lower my lips to his. He immediately responds and deepens the kiss. I move my hands up to his hair and lightly pull on it causing him to moan. His hands slowly travel to my hips and he plays with the hem of my shirt. Every now and then his fingers lightly brush against my skin causing me to shiver against his touch. One of his hands completely moves under my shirt and his fingers massage circles into my hips. The electricity his fingers are sending through me cause me to squirm against him. Ollie pulls back slightly but leaves our lips brushing.

"Be careful how much you move there darling." He whispers huskily and I now notice the bulge underneath me. I slightly move myself a little bit more to change my position but Ollie moans and I keep still.

"Sorry." I whisper and I know that my face is probably as red as a tomato right now. Ollie opens his eyes and he barks with laughter when he notices the colour of my face.

"Don't be embarrassed. You weren't last time." He replies. I slap him on the shoulder for such an inappropriate comment. "What?" He laughs.

"Don't say that." I reply trying not to laugh but I'm already failing.

"It was a good night." He smiles brushing our noses.

"It was." I reply. It honestly was. "Ollie?" I ask after a few moments silence.

"Yes?" He replies.

"Please don't get your hopes up."

"About what?"

"Everything. That I'll be the same person when I come home. And that this will be easy when I leave." I say.

"I won't. I know it's not going to be easy when you leave Robyn. It's not easy now." He replies truthfully.

"I know, but I don't want you to hope that everything will be easy because it won't."

"Nothing is easy Robyn. No one said that this will be easy. But no one said that it will be impossible. It's going to be hard but not impossible." He replies.

"I know." It's now that I realise that we are still sitting in the ocean. "You're going to looked like you've wet yourself when you stand up." I laugh as Ollie bows his head in disappointment.

"I guess that I'll have to drive home naked." He replies.

"Don't be stupid." I reply. "Maybe we should even it out." I laugh. I stand up and put my phone inside my shoes on the shore. I run further into the water so it comes up to my chest. Ollie soon arrives next to me. I turn towards him and notice that the water still isn't up to his chest. He yanks me to him and smashes our lips together. I instantly respond by deepening the kiss. Ollie's arms wrap around my waist completely and he lifts me up a little bit causing me to smile into the kiss. After a few moments, we break away breathless and I rest my head against Ollie's.

"We should get going." He replies. "It's getting late." He finishes. I nod my head in response and we walk back to the shore. I pull my phone out of my shoes and find that we've been out for two hours. I pull on my socks and shoes and grab Ollie's hand. We slowly walk back to his bike and he puts the helmet on for me when we get there. I spend the rest of the way back in silence.

After ten minutes of driving, Ollie pulls up at my house. I jump off and let him take the helmet off which he then puts on the motorbike. He walks back to me places his hands on either side of my face.

"Goodnight." He whispers lightly brushing my cheeks which is surprisingly soothing and I close my eyes at the soft touch.

"That feels good." I reply relaxed. Ollie lightly laughs and I look up to him. I stand on my tiptoes and lightly press my lips to his. I pull away before we get carried away, again...

"Goodnight." I reply and turn to my house and walk in. I don't hear the start of Ollie's bike until I've closed the door behind me.

"Well, well, well. Someone's had a busy night, haven't they?" Mom asks rhetorically when I walk into the living room to find her watching some old horror film.

"Don't Mom." I laugh and walk up to my room.

You have no idea how painful it is to say those words and know that they won't last for much longer.


Another Chapter. Thank you for reading. It's sad that she has to leave!

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