Chapter 36: Complications

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"Ollie, it's not going to be that easy." I say and I've been telling this him for the past half an hour.

After graduation, Ollie and I decided to go to the diner five minutes away from my home. We haven't ordered yet and my appetite is starring to get to me.

"What do you mean it's not that easy?" He asks. I haven't told him about my acceptance into Cambridge University in England I don't plan on it. I have a month and a half before I leave for England. I'm leaving so early because it's a foreign country and I need to get used to my new surroundings before I start school work again...

For the past half an hour Ollie has been trying to convince me to be his girlfriend but I refused because it's pointless really. Until I leave, I'll just be preparing for the road ahead of me. I don't have time for serious relationships.

"I mean, Ollie, that there is complications." I breathe I don't want to look at him. I'm not even sure if my emotions towards him are the same as they were before he left. Like I said earlier, he's a memory and no longer an emotion which I'm quite thankful for. It'll make leaving a shit load easier.

"I'm sure I can keep up." He smiles reassuringly. I give up how long is it going to take for me to get it through the thick skull if his?!

"No, Ollie. I don't think you can." I take my bag from the booth and walk out of the diner as quickly as I can. When I'm fives steps away from the glass doors, I hear the small bell ring and Ollie's voice calling my name.

"Please!" He breathes as moves to face me. "Please just tell me why you can't." For a moment I feel like I should. He should know that I'm leaving for four years for Uni. But I continue to keep silent about it.

"I'm sorry Ollie. I can't!" I say my final words and run down to my house. I don't hear Ollie's pleading calls behind me but I keep running. I keep running from reality and what I want but instead I run to what I need and right now, that's a freaking large pizza with Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream.

When I finally reach my house I notice Milo's truck infront of my drive way. What does he want? I ask myself as I notice him leaning against the rusted red truck.

"Hey. What's up Milo?" I ask him when I read him.

"Nothing much. But can I talk to you?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." I reply but he remains silent.

"In private." He adds. Isn't this already private?

"Oh alright. Why don't you come inside?" He nods in reply and we both head into the warmth of my home even though it's not cold out...

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I ask as I close the door behind us.

"I know I've already asked you this a thousand times before and I'm going to ask you again." He breathes. He takes a step closer to me then hesitates on the next one. He looks to me as if asking for permission to continue what he's doing. I don't reply or show any signs but he takes my silence and a yes.

He steps closer to me again and I instinctively take a step back until I hit a wall. Milo continues towards me and blocks me in my places both of his hands on either side of my head.

"What do you want Milo?" I ask in annoyance. I hate tight spaces. Unless they're with Ollie. If they're with Ollie then I'm good. What am I thinking? I'm supposed to be over him...

"You." He whispers and I inwardly cringe with disgust. I see Milo as a big brother but we have become best friends. It would kill me to lose him. I feel like he's just wasting our relationship on his fantasy.

His head inches closer and he keeps staring at my lips. Please don't look at them. They're not for you to look at!

I try my best to not look back at his but when someone is this close to you, it's really hard not to. It's impossible not to look at someone up close and not take in all if their facial features.

I notice that Milo has a small mark on his nose and a few freckles scattered here and there.

Before I know it, his lips crash against mine. I try to pull away but I'm caged in. I try to live my head to the sides but he's always catching my lips with his. He tries to deepen the kiss but I don't let him. I try to push him off me with my hands but he has them firmly planted in his hands.

Faces are even more weirder up this close. He Finally pulls away and I just stare at him.

"Be my girlfriend."


I've finished ze chapterh. Sorry it's so short.

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