Chapter 3: Jerk

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When Mom and I finally return home, the first thing I do is go straight to the refrigerator. Is it just me? I hate when girls only eat salad. Go eat a burger. I always want to say this. I pull open the refrigerator door and find nothing in there to shove in my face. So I walk over to a cupboard and grab a jar of peanut butter. I want to marry who ever invented peanut butter. And if it's an old guy, I want to marry his son...

I run upstairs and grab a book. The book I'm reading at the moment is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I'm so hooked on this book. I like the fact that Levi has a receding hair line. After I have read some more of the book, I decide to play any musical instruments I know. I play the piano and guitar. My Mom always said I had virtuoso skills as a young child. I can see that now. It didn't take me long to learn these instruments. But I suppose I just had a good teacher. One instrument I have always wanted to play is the cello. It's an elegant instrument. The structure just intrigues me; it's like playing a giant guitar but using a bow and a bit more awkward.

I have been assigned homework. Isn't spending half of my day at school bad enough? I grab my school bag and pull out the homework I have to complete. I grab my IPod and plug it into a speaker. The next thing I know, music is blearing out in my room.

By the time I've got my homework completed, I need to eat more food.

"Robyn!" Mom yells and Elijah burst through my door. I turn off my music.

"Dinners ready!" he shouts.

"Good!" I shout back with a smile on my face.

Elijah is my little brother. He's only nine and has to wear hearing aids. When he was a baby, the only way he would know someone would walk through the doors is from either the light or the vibrations after the door had closed.

I jump of my bed and walk out my room, Elijah walks in front of me.

"Go down beast." I say behind him and he giggles. I don't call him by his actual name, and he doesn't call me by mine. For him it's 'beast' and for me it's 'burger' don't ask me why. I didn't either. You never know what's going on in a nine year old boys mind.

Pizza is set on the table.

"Man, I love pizza." I groan and grab a slice.

"Use a plate please." Mom asks. I roll my eyes and grab a plate she has put on the table.

"Do I have to go to school tomorrow?" Elijah asks Mom.

"Of course you do. Robyn also started at a new school today as well.

"But it's boring." He whines.

"Tell me about it." I direct to him, and he gives me a smile.


My alarm wakes me with a shock. I turn it off and push it off of the side table onto the floor with a groan. I pull my pillow over my head and fall asleep.

The next time I wake up is when Mom is banging on the door.

"Robyn! Get up! You'll be late!" she yells outside my door.

I moan and drag myself out of bed. I walk into the bathroom looking like a zombie. If I went out on the streets right now, I would probably be mistaken for an actual zombie. Just minus the blood, and the guts. If I were to be in the middle of a zombie apocalypse my weapon would be a baseball bat with nails hammered in so they sitck out the other end.

Now I've finished getting ready, I grab my bag and sit in Mom's car where she and Elijah are already waiting.


I'm on my way to the cafeteria. I'm starving. I still have no friends and no one talks to me. I look at the food on the menu and I've suddenly lost my appetite. I decide to walk down to study hall instead. As I'm walking away the jock from World History decides to walk right in front of me with gravy on his plate. Before I know the plate has slid down the front of my shirt, turning it from white to brown.

"Dude! Do you need glasses?!" I ask in a loud voice but not quite shouting. He snickers and so do several people, others gasp, others laugh, some 'oh' others 'ah' and the rest are just completely oblivious and that's no one.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." He says mocking.

"Ass hole." I say and walk off to the toilets to wash the gunk off of my shirt. People behind me laugh.

I burst into the room and head into a stall to change my top. It's a good thing I decided to bring a jumper today. I soak some toilet paper to wipe as much of it off as I possibly can when I hear the door open and close.

"Hey. Are you okay?" she asks. I turn to look at her. And surprisingly I don't see any mockery, or laughter fighting to get on her face. Just big blonde curly hair and dark clothing with a leather jacket. She also genuinely looks concerned.

"Um. Yeah. I just don't like gravy." I reply.

"Here, let me help. You're doing it wrong. It's easier to dab it off instead of wipe. Otherwise you'll just make it worse." She grabs the tissue off and dabs most of the gravy off. All that's left is a big faded brown splat on the white material. She's done pretty good.

"Thanks." I say. I also smile at her.

"No problem. I've dealt with jerks like that before. Major ass holes. Believe me." She says.

"I can already believe that." I say with a short laugh.

"Milo. He's the worst. As you can tell because he just splattered you with gravy." She hands me back my shirt and I thank her again and start to walk out.

"Carter." She says


"I'm Carter."

"Thanks Carter." And with that I walk out of the bathroom.



Sorry for such a short chapter and its 'Lateness'. But I promise chapter 4 will be posted today or tomorrow, depending on how much more of it I write today.

Thankyou for reading. I appreciate it much


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