Chapter 38: Reunited With Peanut Butter

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Ew. I hate mornings. But this one was different. Ollie and I must have fell asleep on the couch after watching all of the paranormal activities. Personally, I think they're crap but Ollie was shitting himself. There were times where I nearly burst out laughing because he screamed like a girl. Not exaggerating. Poor Ollie.

I open my eyes and find myself lying on Ollie's chest with both of his arms tightly wrapped around me. How the hell did we end up in this position?! I try to wiggle out of his grip but he tightens his hold. Holy cheese.

I look to his face and resist the urge to stroke it. Weird I know but he just looks so peaceful with his lips parted softly. Oh, if I could kiss those lips all day I would.

I reach for a pillow and put it in my place allowing me to slip from his hold. I plod into the kitchen and pause. I want peanut butter.

I reach into the cupboard and pull out a jar and immediately hug it to my chest.

"It's been so long since we've been alone together." I say caressing the smooth surface. The jar of peanut butter sits in my hand and I just admire this opportunity to eat it all. Grabbing a spoon I open the lid and eat the salty, peanut-ty goodness.

"Holy shit I've missed you." I cry with happiness as I shovel another spoonful unto my mouth.

"Are you talking to peanut butter?" A husky voice interupts my newly returned heaven and I jump around to find Ollie smirking at me curiously.

"What?! What? No." I deny guiltily.

"Aw. You were. Does little Robyn have a crush on peanut butter?" He mocks.

"Don't test me Calar." I reply and walk back to the couch.


"It's been way too long." I mumble and eat some more.

"You're so weird." He laughs. "You've got a little..." He leans closer to me and places his mouth a few millimeters away from mine. "Peanut butter there." He finishes when he slightly moves away. He moves away completely and looks at me shocked. Probably responding to my facial expression which I can guess is also shocked.

"I'm sorry. I had to..." He trails off and I burst out laughing.

"You should have seen your face!" I laugh trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing like a tomato.

"You're so mean Robyn! Dammit!" He groans and falls back onto the couch a lot closer than expected. Not that I'm complaining.

"I just reunited with peanut butter." I mumble.


Sorry short chapter! But it's two today.

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