Chapter 45: You Have To Let Go

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He has to know that this can't work. I have told him too many times that I can't be his girlfriend.

"Ollie- , I ca-"

"Let me finish." He interrupts. He opens his eyes and looks directly at my. "Be my girlfriend until you leave for England." He says.

"But that's ten days. You want a ten day relationship?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes. It's better than what we have now."

"What do we have now?" I ask. I don't even know what we are. We've known each other for two years and we've acted as if we were already a couple. So isn't that just how we are now? But wouldn't it make it harder for me to leave because we've upgraded our relationship to what it would be if I say yes?


"I don't know Ollie." I reply. I don't want to reject him yet again.

"Please." He begs.

"Ollie, it won't just be harder for me to leave. It'll be harder for both of us if I have to leave for four years."

"I know but I want this. I want to spend your last few days, for four years, in America not as friends with benefits." This makes me laugh. "What?" He asks bewildered.

"You called our relationship 'friends with benefits'!" I laugh.

"Well what would you call us?" He asks. Hm. Well, I guess that friends with benefits was an accurate summary of our relationship but it's not like we're designated sex buddies.

"Touché." I reply.

"You've been spending way too much time with Hunter." He laughs.

"I know." I reply. "Can I think about this some more Ollie? But for now, you have to let go. I know that this is what you want but isn't it pointless? We'll be dating for ten days and then when I return after four years, it'll be as if we just met again." I say as it's the truth.

"I know. But please say yes." He says.

"I'll you know before I get home." I promise him.

"OK. Thank you." He kisses me on the forehead. I laugh and give him a small push. He retaliates by tickling me.

"No... Ollie... Don't..." I say in between laughs. But he continues. I end up falling on the floor into the shallow water. The tickling suddenly stops and Ollie bursts out laughing. I look at him and seem him doubling over in fits of laughter. He looks down at me and offers out a hand still slightly laughing. I take his hand but instead of standing up, I yank him down with me causing him splash in the water. This time I bark with laughter at his shocked face looking up at me in disbelief. He pulls me to him and I fall on his lap which causes me to laugh even harder. After a few moments, my laughter dies at our close proximity. My face turns serious and the laughter in Ollie's eyes turn to desire and lust. Our mouths move closer and closer until they are virtually brushing. Ollie goes to press his against but my phone suddenly rings. I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Where are you?" Mom's voice comes from the other end of the line.

"I'm with Ollie." I reply.

"Was I interrupting something?" She gushes.

"What? No. Mom." I warn.

"Oh I was wasn't I?" She replies and I hear her smile.

"No mom. What do you want?" I ask.

"No don't worry, I'll tell you when you get back. You continue doing what you're... doing." She laughs.

"Ugh. OK mom. Bye." I smile.

"Bye honey. Bye Ollie!" She yells.

"Bye Ms. Calar!" He yells back and I cut her off. "I love your mom." Ollie laughs and I feel heat travel up my neck. I look back at Ollie and see him grinning at me. I notice that I'm straddling Ollie's lap and his arms are still wrapped around my waist. I place my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his torso. He pulls me closer to him and we sit there for a while.

Do I want to commit to this relationship so late? Even though I'm leaving in ten days, will it still be worth it?

I love Ollie and I wish that we could have a better relationship but I'm leaving. Will it be pointless? I guess that I'll have to find out.



Another short chapter. Sorry.

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