Chapter 24: Everything's Going To Be Fine.

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Don't roll. Don't roll. Don't roll. I can't roll over otherwise I will literally roll out of bed, and I have a pressing urge to roll becasue my shoulder is dead. It's exactly half an hour before my alarm goes off. I allow my eyes to flutter closed. Might aswell get this last half hour of sleep.

It's not long until I'm back to sleep.


Honk. Honk. Honk. My alarm startles me awake and I find my self starting to slip off my bed. I let out a short yelp when I make impact with the ground.

"Ow." I groan. I rolled? Didn't I?

I should change my alarm. I prefer the beeping instead of honking and when I acctually changed it to the honking, last night, I thought 'hey, this will encourage me out of bed in the morning as it's irritating than when Wallmart runs out of peanut butter icecream.' Worst decision ever made!

Forcing my self off the floor I plod to the bathroom only to find it locked.

"Goddammit! Elijah hurry your ass up." I yell through the door.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment." He replies.

"Dude, do you think you're the only one who needs to poop?"

"No! Mom does too!" What?!

"Sorry hun. But you should have got up to call dibs." Mom yells from her room. What a beautiful family I have.

"Well be quick. And have fun pooping!" I yell as I walk back into my room.

"We will!" They both yell back in unison.

There's been one thing playing on my mind since the date. What are we? Ollie's and mine relationship is so confusing. I mean we already act like a couple but we haven't confirmed what we are. Does there have to be some weird ass initiation for that kind of relationship?

Does not speaking or contacting over a two day period after the worst date in history not qualify a couple relationship between the two daters. Or does it mean there is absoulutely no chance of there being a relationship.

So I have a mission I need to accomplish today. Confirm our relationship and whatever the outcome, I'll be fine with it.


Mom pulls up to the school parking lot but stops me before I get out.

"Don't forget to pick up Elijah after school." She reminds.

"Got it." I reply and jump out the car and sling my bag over my shoulder. I hear the car drive off and today somehow feels like day one. Joy. I start to walk onto the grass of school campus when I hear someone scream behind me.

I turn and see Carter running in my direction woth her arms held wide and big ass grin on her face. As she comes bounding towards me I notice Hunter with an amused expression on his face and it's too late for me to brace myself for the sudden weight which lands on me.

I scream shortly when Carter's weight is crushing into mine. She literally jumps on me like a koala and I stumble backwards onto the ground with Carter on top of me. I look up and see Hunter laughing over us.

He shouts, "PILE ON!" and lunges on top of Carter causing us both to groan in pain at the sudden wight.



"Get the hell-" Carter starts to yell until twi more voices interupt her.

"Pile on!" Kai and Jen yell in unison and both jump on top of Hunter which cause the air to blow lut my lungs due the impact.

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