Chapter 51: New Start

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Walking into the dorm, I notice it's a lot bigger than I anticipated.

The walls are a warm cream and the floor is a deep mahogany colour. The other bed is still empty so I'm assuming that my room mate isn't here yet.

I put the suitcases on the floor as well as the duffel bag and belly flop my bed. Oh this is good. That 11 hour flight really killed me and now I want to sleep but I can't. It's uni!

I grab a suitcase and unzip it. I start to empty it out when the door opens and a very short girl with fuzzy blonde hair walks in.

"Hi. I'm Carla!" She chirps in an accent I haven't quite heard before.

"Hey. I'm Robyn!" I reply just as happy.

"Ooo American. How fancy. I suppose it's better than Scottish." She laughs.

"It's not that great." I reply. "And I'm sure Scotland is a beautiful place. I've never been but I would love to go." I smile kindly.

"Eh... Some parts of it is and others aren't." She replies.

"So what was it like in Scotland?" I ask her. I'm never acctually this talkative and I prefer to avoid everyone but she seems nice, plus we'll be sharing the same room for four years.

"Fairly normal I guess. But I wished I explored it a bit more. I'm from a small village north if Scotland so I didn't really get many opportunities to visit the city. I've never been to Edinburgh but I wish I have. I will one day though. So what was America like? I'm surprised you're not incredibly tanned or something." She says.

"Average I guess. I did travel a lot and move different schools often but I've just left my favorite place in America out of all the others." I reply. "But it's not like it was your typical cliché American experience. I rarely went to the beach and stuff." I am trying to get off of the topic of home.

"I'm sure that's not true. You just didn't realise how cliché your American experience was." She smiles. I guess she's right. My life is fairly cliché. "So what classes are you taking this semester?" She asks. Thank the Lord we've moved off of the subject of me.

"Management as well as finance and economics. I know it's not a lot but it's to get me started." I reply whilst unpacking the clothes from my suitcases. "What about you?" I ask her.

"Veterinary nursing and biology." She replies. "It's all I'm focusing on right now I don't want to bombard myself with too many courses in the beginning of uni. This is where we're supposed to make memories not worry ourselves with 15 odd exams every few weeks."

"True. Who would want to take 15 courses at once? Wouldn't that just ruin their brain cells?" I ask.

"I guess so!" She laughs.

I finish putting everything away from my suitcases after half an hour. I turn to Carla to see she had already finished and she was busy typing away on her laptop.

"Are you going home at the end of a year?" She asks still intrigues by her screen.

"No. It's too much to keep travelling back and forth for 11 hours. I'm just staying in England for four years until I graduate." I say plonking my self on  my bed.

"Understandable. If I were in your position I'd do the same. So, in your spare time here, are you going to explore as much of England as you can?" She asks raising her eyebrows up at me when she looks in my direction.

"Is hope so." I reply pulling out my laptop from its bag.

"Good. You're exploring with me." She announces.

"Well that was easy. That reminds me, I need a job." I say. "Where does one get a job?" I ask Carla.

"Try a near by library or coffee shop or something. Just anything to give you a foundation."

"Thanks." I open up my emails and find I have one from Carter.

"I'm going to get something to eat. You coming? " She asks and I shake my head.

"I've got some stuff to sort out still." I reply and smile at her. She returns the smile and walks out of the room. I look back down at the screen and click in Carter's email.


You need to email us. Ollie is losing his mind. Literally. We're only 5-ish hours behind you so we're good. Did you die on the plane? Please say you didn't because that would suck and your epic love story with Mr. Grumpy pants A.K.A Ollie, will be forever ruined. It was truly epic ;) Remember what you were told. Don't get drunk, high, dead, or anything that will harm you... reply now bitch...


P.S Ollie is actually losing his mind so of I were you, I'd hurry and reply.


Wow. Well that was something. Carter's right. I should reply. It's been 15 hours since I left.


Don't worry. I'm not dead. Yet. No the plane did not kill me and I will not get drunk, get high or dead, if that makes you feel any better.

Tell Ollie to stop being a pussy and that I love him. He can stop going insane now. I've made a new friend. She's awesome. But doesn't quite match up to you guys.

I'll see you in four years. That sounds like forever!


P.S I'm aware if the time difference between America and England.


I press send and hope that they read it. I return to my laptop home screen and see a picture of Ollie, Carter, Hunter, Jen and Kai smiling at me. That was a good day. I grab my phone and look at the pictures taken on it. There's one of Carter, Jen and I smiling at the cinema. There's Hunter and I pulling weird faces because we're weird like that AND awesome. There's some of just me and Carter smiling and showing all of our chins. There's a crap load of selfies of Hunter. By a crap load, I mean 322 out of 644. I scroll to one of mom pulling a weird pose in a massive coat she bought from a thrift shop and one of Elijah playing soccer. I come across some of Ollie and I smiling into the camera. Well more like one, the others he's looking at me or burying his head in my neck when I was trying to take a picture. There's also one of him kissing my cheek from behind me. But my favorite one is where he's smiling into the camera and I'm watching him. All of my memories flood back to me and for the first time in England. I cry.

Oh ma gad! She's gone to England for fours years. You know what this means right???

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