Chapter 7: The Break In

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Holy cow! It's cold. As I walk along the empty road the wind violently bites at my face. I wish I didn't decide to get out of my bed. It's Friday and I want to sit in bed and read and sleep, then read some more with my trusty jar of peanut butter.

I can see the diner not far from here. Good! I need food and warmth. But Ollie told me to meet him by the diner not in there. That still counts right? Right. I'm in by the parking lot, and of course Ollie isn't here. Actually that was a lie, he's in the diner. Well at least I haven't been ditched. He's sitting there in a booth by the window, staring out looking very lonely. And hot. I can't believe myself.

I drag my feet along the cobble. I miss my bed.  When I'm half way across the parking lot Ollie see's me and heads out the diner to jog towards me. Here we go.

Ollie's black fair flails behind him as he approaches.

"Hey." He breathes. "You actually came. I didn't think you would come, meaning you didn't want to an all..."

"I had no choice." I say while folding my arms across my chest. "I would have been forced to go out."

"Eh... Well." He replies. "Come on, time to go." He grabs my hand and drags me away from the diner.

"Where're we going?" I ask.

"Out." I have to jog now and then to keep up with his long strides.

"But... we are out." I say whining.

"Oh stop whining and shush."

"Why do I have to shush?" I ask.

"I don't know." Ollie replies.

"Can you slow down? I've only got little legs!" I ask.

"Sorry." Ollie says and slows down his strides.

"Is it far?" I ask.

"Not really. Well, it is if we're walking. But we're not."

"Oh thank god. I hate walking." Ollie releases his grip on my hand and we stop in front of a motorcycle. We are not riding on that! Are we? Why am I thinking this?

"We're not riding on that are we?" I ask with a trembling voice.

"Yeah." Ollie breathes and grabs a helmet off of the bike.

"B-but why?" I ask with my nerves rushing through me.

"Because it will be faster and plus I get to have your arms wrapped tightly around me." He says with a mischievous smirk on his face and winks at me causing my cheeks to redden even more. He starts to put his helmet on.

"Ugh, grow up. Do I have to?" I ask.

"Do you want to walk?" He asks.


"Then yes. You have to ride my motorcycle." He says with another smirk growing on his face. I feel my cheeks heat up again and Ollie grabs a helmet then pushes it onto my head. He pushes my head up with two fingers so I'm looking at him directly in the eye. Once he's clipped the straps under my chin he looks at me. He is close enough so I can see the tiny gold specks in his irises. I swear his head moved closer to mine. I don't know where to look until his eyes dip to my lips and makes my stomach do back flips.

"We should probably get going." I say before anything happens. Ollie just smiles and taps the top of my head. He walks over to the motorcycle and I follow behind him then straddle the bike.

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