Chapter 10: Good Kisser?

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"I got a phone call from school." Mom says when I close the door behind me.

"That's nice." I reply.

"Yeah, did you skip last period?" She asks.

"Um, yeah." I say like it's nothing and walk into the kitchen to the refrigerator.

"You can't just go and skip class whenever you feel like it." She says seriously. "Why'd you skip class?"

"I don't actually know." I reply grabbing a carton of milk out and taking a swig of it. "I was just staring at a tree all through lunch, then I ended up sitting under it, and before I knew it, class was almost over."

"Does Ollie have anything to do with this?" She asks raising an eyebrow at me.

"No, It's- I-I just don't know why I skipped class, I just did."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Mom if I did, I would tell you."

"OK then... Speaking of Ollie, how is he doing?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

"Alright I guess." I say whilst putting the milk back in the refrigerator.

"Alright?" She mocks. "It didn't seem like that when you walked in."

"What?!" I say embarrassed.

"Your cheeks were a bit on the red side."

"It's cold outside."

"How did you get back?" She asks.

"Ollie dropped me off."

"Really?" She asks with mock surprise on her face.

"Um... Yeah. On his motorcycle."

"I didn't think you like them."

"Oh hell! I don't! I was gripping onto Ollie for my life!" I say.

"Oh stop being so melodramatic! I can see why he wants you to ride his bike all the time. He gets to have your arms all over him." She says dramatically.

"Oh stop swooning like a teenage girl! I'm a teenage girl and I'm not swooning!"

"You are on the inside." She says pointing at me.

"You seem like my best girl friend from school." If I had one.

"Oh please, I am your best girl friend. I may be your Mother, but I can still have other girls to swoon over boys with." She sighs and puts her hand to her forehead as if she is badly acting how to faint.

"You're so weird." I say.

"Did you guys kiss?" She asks looking at me in the way you do when someone is gossiping. Wide eyes, a slightly parted mouth and her chin resting on her fist.

"What?" I ask.

"Did you guys kiss? You know when two people go..." She does a really sloppy kissing motion in front of me with her lip puckered and her eyes tightly closed.

"Mom! That's disgusting! And who kisses like that?"

"Plenty of people." I roll my eyes. "Now tell me. Did you kiss? This is very valuable information for when I want to set you guys up!"

"You are not getting involved in any part of my relationships with boys! OK?"

"Yeah yeah." She mumbles. "Please just tell me!" She whines. I don't reply. She gasps loudly. "OH you did! You totally did kiss!" She exclaims.

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