Chapter 18: Un-Pissed?

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What a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and there's a furious Ollie sitting next to me in chemistry. How wonderful.

"Isn't it just a beautiful day." I whisper to Ollie. "What do you think?" I ask him. Ollie turns to glare at me then returns to his work.

"Did somebody get out of bed the wrong side this morning?" I tease. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be making this situation any worse but I can't help myself. Ollie hasn't spoken one word to me today. It's just a matter of time. He doesn't reply. Great. The silent treatment. How fun! Note sarcasm right here.

I decide to leave him alone because he isn't going to reply. I just wish I was there to see his face this morning. Due to my mastermind prank, Ollie missed first period so now he has a detention after school. Poor guy.

The bell finally sounds and Ollie is out of the room before I can even blink. He is super pissed. He always seems to be pissed at me. I need to fix this. But the elephant in the room is 'how? '. The reason this whole war started hits me. I've got it!

"Hunter!" I shout to grab his attention from the other side of the corridor.

"Robyn!" He shouts back and continues with his conversation.

"Hunter!" I shout again whilst walking over to him.

"Robyn!" He shouts as soon as I reach him.

"I'm right here ass hole!" I say whilst rubbing my ear.


"I need your help."

"What with?"



"I need you to help me make him be un-pissed." I say even though it didn't make any sense.

"Easy." He replies. I raise my eyebrow.

"What? How?"

"Just make out with him."

"What?! How am I supposed to do that when he won't even speak to me?"

"Get him to speak to you."

"How?" I ask confused.

"Well. You open this thing on your face called a mouth. Then you project your voice causing a sound to come out. Then voilà! You're speaking! Fairly simple really..." I slap my hand to my face and sigh heavily.

"I know how to talk you watermelon!"


"Ugh. Yes, watermelon."

"Why watermelon?"

"Because watermelon is the only insult I could think of."

"But I wouldn't classify watermelon as an insult." Hunter replies whilst switching feet.

"Please, you wouldn't even classify a tomato as a fruit! Which it is! "

"You don't understand, you have tomatoes on burgers along with lettuce and onions, which the last time I checked are both vegetables!"

"Hunter, your stupidity is making my brain hurt." I sigh whilst tightly closing my eyes and rubbing my temples hoping that the soon to be headache will piss off.

"I'm not stupid!" He argues.

"Hunter, we are not going through this again..."

"Why not?"

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