Chapter 26: The Torture

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Ollie stands there with rain dripping from strands of his hair but his head faces downwards.

"Ollie." I breathe and his head shoots up to mine and that's when I notice the cuts and bruises on his face.

"Oh my gosh." I breathe whilst grabbing his hand and bringing him into the house. I quickly look around the corner and see if mom is still intrigued in the T.V but she fell asleep on the sofa.

"One minute." I say to Ollie and walk to where mom is sleeping and bring the blanket up over her and wish her a goodnight sleep. I return to Ollie and lead him upstairs to my room.

Turning around after closing the door, I quickly turn to him.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey." He replies barely above a whisper and sounds more like a gutteral noise.

"What are you doing here?"

"Several reasons acctually." He replies and looks up at me. I walk over to him and ask him what happened but he ignored me. I decide to gently lift his face up so he's looking at me.

"What happened?" I ask again searching his eyes for anything, that will give me a clue but he doesn't respond.

"I'll be right back." I reply and quickly get the first aid kit from the bathroom and return to Ollie closing the door behind me.

I gesture for him to sit on my bed, which he obeys, and start to clean up his face.

"My dad." He whispers so quietly that I just about heard it.

"He did this to you?" I ask quietly and start with cleaning the blood and dirt from his face. Ollie silently nods and the conversation ends there.

Once I've cleaned the excess blood and dirt, I start treating the wound above his eyebrow and the others along his jaw. The blood must have been from his nose because the wounds aren't major.

I inspect the bruises which start to form on his face and quickly run to get some frozen peas from downstairs. I carefully place them on his jaw but I try to remove them from his face but he places his hand over mine so I put them back.

"Is there anywhere else?" I ask and he silently nods. He gestures for me to move out the way so he can remove his top.

"What has he done to you?" I whisper to myself and flick my eyes up to his and back down to his chest. I scan over the various bruises along his ribcage and across his hip which looks like it spreads to his back. I go to touch then but he flinches away.

I look up to his face and see the tormented expression flicker and the pain he's in. I step up closer to him and notice that there is no trace of Ollie left, just a lost, tortured boy.

When I look back down to his bruises I can't help but let a few tears spill over into my face. This is horrifying.  How can this happen?

Ollie’s hand moves under my chin and lifts my face up to his I notice that he's put the peas on my desk.

"Please don't cry." He whispers.

"I-I... how can you go through this? Is this the first time?" I ask trying to stop the tears. But Ollie doesn't reply.

"Oh my gosh." I whisper and try to cover my expression and more tears threaten to spill.

"Please don't cry for me Robyn. Please." He begs.

I blink back the tears and examine the bruises once again.

"Turn around." I tell him and he does on his back there are a few sctraches and up coming bruises.

I face back to him and see the tortured eyes staring back at me.

"I'm so sorry that this happens to you." I say.

"Don't apologise. I only go through this to help my sister." Ollie has a sister?

"You do this to protect her?" I ask. I decide standing is too tiring so I sit on my bed and Ollie joins me

"I can’t let her get hurt. She's only 7 and too innocent. This was the worst I've ever seen my Dad drunk." Ollie stops there and struggles to carry on so I interupt him before he speaks.

"You don't have to talk about this." I say because I can see how painful it is to speak about it. Ollie’s eyes start to water and it's not long before a tear slips down his face. Then more, and more.

"He tried to rape her." He whispers and tries to not break down and cry. Oh my. Immediately, my arms wrap around his torso and his curl around me.

"You shouldn't have to go through this." I say. "You shouldn't have to protect your sister from your father. You shouldn't have to do that." I say trying to calm him. Ollie pulls back and looks at me with his red stained eyes and bruised face. My beautiful Ollie; replaced with tormented young boy. His eyes show the age of 18 but have seen what no one dares.

"You should know that I didn't want that to happen earlier." Ollie breathes.

"It doesn't matter." I reply.

"Yes it does. Surely you know, you must know that I would change anything to be with you, but I can't."

"Why not? Despite other circumstances.'

"I'm leaving."



Ollie’s leaving?

This chapter is probably terrible but I feel like we know nothing about Ollie abd his personal life. So here  you go.

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