Chapter 31:Unknown Relationship

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Well, I don't know what relationship this is that Milo and I have.

But the date has surprisingly been going really well. It's no where near as disastrous as Ollie's and mine.

Milo is a nice guy really. Underneath all if his grossness and touch - iness, he's caring and funny. I could be friends with him.

He first took me to see some horror movie and I laughed surprisingly well the little boy was imitating the gran. The end was pretty disturbing but I actually enjoyed it.

Then we debated whether to go to a restaurant to eat but then decided in just buying a pizza from Pizzarinoes. Personally I think it's a terrible name for a pizza parlour. And currently we're enjoying our pepperoni pizza in some gardens. They're rather beautiful.

The yellow glow of the small fairy lights cast a warm shine in the green leaves and petals of the flowers in the trees and bushes. The pebbles on the floor thread through the trees and large hedges as if it were a maze.

"So what's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?" Milo asks once we've both finished eating.

"Um... let me think." I scan through my memories and look for the most embarrassing thing. "OK, so last year i saw Dylan O' Brien walking around Walmart. I was standing there hyperventilating but I was on my own. He walked over to me to see if I was alright and I was still hyperventilating. Then I stated to sing High School Musical 'Go to go my own way'. He then kept looking at me and I carried on. I then started to act the scene out and I fell over during it then I literally ran out." Milo's bark of laughter echoes throughout the garden.

"That did not happen!" He laughs and I nod my head. We laugh together and it feels good. I haven't laughed like this since...

"What about you? What's the most embarrassing thing ever happened to you?" I ask. This is pretty much how the rest of our night continues until Milo takes me back home.

When we arrive, Milo jumps out and walks to the door with me.

"I acctually had fun tonight." I admit. I didn't think that I would but I did.

"Me too and I'm glad to hear it." He smiles back at me. Milo takes a step towards me and for a moment I think he's going to kiss me but he just pecks my cheek and says "Until next time." With that he walks back to his truck.

I was hoping the date would have gone much worse than Ollie's and mine. How is it that when I go on a date with a guy I love is more disastrous than a date with a guy I dislike?


The following Monday at school, I see Milo standing by my locker.

"Do you want to go on another date?" He asks leaning against the blue matallic while facing me.

"Uh... I don't know. I have a shit load of work to catch up on and I have a mock test this week I need to study for." I reply.

"It can be a study date." He suggests.

"Sure." I agree and I regret that I did.

"Great." This time Milo kisses me square on my lips. A shock runs through my body but it's not from who I hoped it would be. The bell rings and I jolt back from Milo.

He smirks at me and walks to science.

Oh joy.

I think I've just stumbled into another unknown relationship and I could have completely avoided it.


Ar lunch I'm completely bombarded with questions by Carter, Hunter, Jen and Kai.

"Are you two a thing?"

"Do you like him?"

"What about Ollie?"

"Are you over the love of your life?"

"Please tell me you don't like this Jerk!
"Have you had a date?"

And so on.

"Guys, please do not bombard me with questions about Ollie OR Milo. I need to try and move on from Ollie and come to the fact that I may never see him again." I cut them all off and they all go silence t except to Kai.

"So Milo's basically your rebound?" He asks. Now that I think about it I guess he kind of is but I'm refuse to admit it to myself let alone anyone else. I shrug my shoulders and eight eyes stare back at me with pity.

I just wish my life would return to how it was before I started to fall in love...


End of another chapter.

I'm falling asleep I'm that tired but it's on 22:15

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