Chapter 34: Graduation

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Joy. It's graduation today and I'm thrilled about reading the speech in front of hundreds of people. OK maybe not hundreds but still. A lot.

I look in my mirror and see my reflection staring back at me. My multicoloured eyes and straight red hair are reflected. I'm dressed in a blue gown and hat. Graduation already. Nine months ago, I would never of pictured myself standing here and looking at my self all dressed up for my graduation.

"Robyn! Get your tiny ass down here!" I hear Carter yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yell back.

"Hurry up!" Hunter yells. Jesus bloody crusts! I've only taken one step and I'm being rushed.

"OK Hunter!" I reply. I quickly grab my phone and run down the stairs to stop Jen and Kai from moaning at me now.

Today's the day I stand in front of a shit load of people and read out the speech Hunter so graciously helped me write.

He's still obsessed with Harry Potter but not as much! Where as I am.

When I join the others, mom gathers us and begs to take a photo which we all eventually agree on. She makes me stand in the middle, with Hunter and Jen to my left and Carter and Kai to my right. There's just something missing, well more like someone.

"OK done! Right, you go off and graduate and I shall see you there." She laughs. The others all run to Hunter's truck as it's the biggest. I turn to my mom and kiss her on the cheek.

"Thank you mom." I smile. She smiles back and I run to the truck.

We drive off to the school and cheering when we set off.


"This is too unreal!" I murmur to Carter when she walks by me.

"God I know! I want this to happen but then again I don't." She laughs. We walk to our assigned seats and the ceremony begins.

"Welcome, class of 2015...!" The beginning of the ceremony drags on and before I know it my name is called.

"Please welcome Robyn Stellar to give a speech." I walk up and unravel the crumbled paper I quickly shoved in my pocket.

"Hello. How this year has travelled fast. Screw that, how high school has finished so suddenly. It seems that only yesterday, we were in the second grade telling the class what we wanted to be when we grew up. For some of us it was an astronaut, some a fire man, others a vet and surprisingly for me, a ninja." I got a few laughs! Phew...

"I always wish it was the day where I could freely run around and chase fireflies at camp fires, or secretly try to reach the cookie jar which has purposely been put out of reach. But I also remember the days where I wish I could skip to this very day and just basically be a grown up for the first time. The days where I could skip puberty and everything bad which comes with it. But we can't.

"We all have dreams, whether that be to lose your virginity before college or get drunk, and for me, see the one I love once again before I leave for college. But some of our dreams may just to be sitting in this spot and graduating. But enough of the sappy dreams stuff and onto probably the best years of our lives. To graduation! This is not the end but it's the beginning. The beginning of our lives."

I finish my speech and I get an eruption of cheers from the seniors. I walk from the podium and join the others waiting for our names to be called up to get our diploma.

My class gets called and I shake the principle's hand and walk down the other side of the stage. When the ceremony is over I join the others and I find that they're acting a bit too giddy.

"Why are you all acting weird?" I ask. But they just shrug their shoulders. I shrug mine and ask if I can take a picture. We gather in a group and take the worst pictures ever. They were so ridiculous. And I had the most chins!

My mom walks over and I notice she's acting weird too.

"Hi mom!" I smile.

"Hey! I loved your speech! It's was FABULOUS!" She shouts. OK she's never this happy. Well she is, but this is weird.

"Thanks." I try to ignore it but it's virtually impossible.

"OK! Someone take me out of my misery! Why is everyone acting weird?" I ask them. None of them reply.

"We're not acting weird! You're just not happy enough!" They nervously laugh. OK maybe I am being a bit sour.

"Sorry!" I laugh and they join. "How was my speech? It wasn't too...?"

"No! It was brilliant!" Hunter laughs!

"Only because you helped me."

"Wait? Hunter helped you?" Kai asks.

"Yep. I had no idea what to write so he helped me get obsessed with Harry Potter and write my speech." I announce. Everyone's jaw except for Hunter's drops open. He drops his when he notices the others do it. The scene infront of me makes me burst out laughing.

"What?" I ask trying to calm my laughing but every time I look at their faces, I set off laughing again.

I'm the corner of my eye I see Milo talking to a group of friends. We still talk and are still fairly close. Even when I refused to be his girlfriend he understood and we then forgot that it happened.

"One sec guys." I say and quickly jog over to him.

"Hey!" I announce in a smile.

"Hey Robyn!" He pulls me into a hug but it's too long so I pull away. "Your speech was great!" He congratulates me.

"Can I get a picture?" I ask him.

"Sure." He pulls me into the side and I do one of the most goofiest smiles I can muster. I then take a nicer one of just me and him smiling together.

"Thanks Milo." I give him a quick hug before I turn to the others.

They're standing around some familiar dark shaggy hair. They're all talking in hushed tones and I'm confused until I see the familiar biker boots and dark jacket. The four blue gowns move away from the figure.

But it's the figure I've been waiting to see for almost a year.


OK so I'm tearing up right now because I'm just so happy! I've been waiting to write up to the next chapter for SO long!

So you can probably guess who has returned.

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