Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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This sucks! This sucks major ass. This is the second time this year I've had to move to a new school. And you know what the worse thing about it is? It's the middle of the semester! Who sends their 16 year old child to a new school in the middle of the semester? But my Mom says that this is permanent. Where have I heard that before?

The building is staring over me and dominating me in a peculiar way. Occasionally I have to push up my glasses as my head is too small and my glasses won't get any tighter. I look over to my Mom and see the reassuring expression looking back at me. Ugh! Because that is really going to make me feel better.

"Remember. Shoulders back. Chin up. And don't let them intimidate you." Mom says in her calm and caring voice. I sigh.

"Thanks for the encouraging words Mom." I look back out the window and start to open the door.  But my Mom stops me by placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Look. I know you hate going through this. But I promise this is the last time. You graduate later this year. Just hold on until then. Ok?"


"Ok." she replies then starts the car up.

I open the door and step out. It's the start of a new school. Again!

Students are spread across campus chatting to one another. This is really happening isn't it? I walk over to the entrance of the building with my red Converse plodding along. You would think that my entire body right now is just made up of nerves. It is...  but I've been in this situation a bazillion times before and you could say this is my area of expertise. The heavy doors which are 3 feet in front of me are the doors to hell. I might have skipped a grade but I still hate school. I have a strong relationship with books.

Instead of standing in front of the building, I push the metal on the door, which freezes my hand to the bone. It's still winter and I wish I just had a massive cup of hot chocolate in my hand to warm, and wake me up. I'm not a coffee person. Hot chocolate is my juice. Like how you need to use oil to get robots working. That's basically me but instead of oil it's hot chocolate, and instead of a robot it's just a nerdy sixteen year old girl.

A blast of warm air hits me in the face as soon as I step indoors. It's just like a regular high school. Lockers on both sides, flyers here and there. Doors to class rooms. I'm thankful the entire school is one massive block. At the moment there are a few groups of people indoors. This is surprising due to the low temperatures outside.

I make my way through the corridors to collect my timetable. Just getting my time table makes this entire shit official. The Lady at the desk sits with her grey tweed suit on. Her hair pulled into a very tight updo. Tight enough so it's giving her a face lift. I don't want to see your facelift. Her half moon glasses sit on her long pointed nose and they're covering small emotionless eyes, which are fixated on the computer screen.

I clear my throat trying to catch her attention, but she keeps staring at her screen. She makes a clicking noise with her tongue, which is disturbing and gross. I don't want to hear  what's clicking around in that tiny mouth of yours. She looks like Nanny McPhee, you know, in the beginning of the movie, just worse.

I try again and clear my throat and this time she flicks her head up to me and gives me penetrating glare. Or it's her normal face. Who knows?

"Can I help you?" She asks in a nasally voice. She has a posh accent and it's easily noticed.

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