Chapter 47: Our Last Days

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I know that these last days will be the worst. Ollie and I have spent the last few days together and avoided not seeing each other for more than 24 hours. I want to spend as much time with him as humanly possible until I leave for England in three days.

I've packed everything for college and I've bought the plane ticket. I leave on Thursday. Ollie and I have tried to do anything any couple would do in four years within ten days. That doesn't include the intimate things. We've been on seven dates, seen five movies, accidently wore similar outfits, made out, went out with friends, made out some more, had two movie nights together, made out and overall more making out. So the past seven days have been both exciting and sad every night because that's another day gone. Another day less of our relationship. But the only good outcome from all of this is actually going to England. It's on my bucket list to go there and I finally get to.

Right now, Ollie and I are watching some old movie in my room but we haven't had the opportunity to watch any of it as we've been too busy playing 'Would You Rather?'.

I'm straddling Ollie's lap and his arms are resting on my thighs.

"Would you rather live with two arms, or two legs?" He asks.

"Um... Two arms." I reply.

"What?! Why two arms and not legs?" He asks in disbelief.

"Well, If I had no arms, I wouldn't be able to mess with your hair when I'm bored or play with your hands like I am now." I reply simply. Ollie considers this. "Why would you choose two legs?" I ask.

"I guess that I wouldn't have to constantly have help to move around." He replies.

"OK. So, would you rather... eat cockroaches or worms?" I ask with a devious smile.

"I'd rather eat you." He replies huskily and starts kissing my neck. I playfully slap his shoulder.

"Stop it." I laugh. He smiles against my skin.

"It's the truth." He laughs.

"But it's not an option. And it's dirty..." I reply.

"Fine... Um, worms." He replies chuckling.

"Ew. I'd have to go with cockroaches." I reply. Ollie opens his mouth to say some but I quickly stop him because I know what he's going to say. "Don't. Even. Think. About. It!" I reply sternly. Ollie barks with laughter.

"How did you know I was going to say that?" He asks.

"Because you're dirty!" I laugh.

"You're so prude Robyn." He chuckles and kisses my neck again.

"Why would you want to eat worms?" I ask him.

"Well, it'll sort of relate to spaghetti. What can you relate cockroaches to?" He asks.

"Wouldn't that just ruin spaghetti for you?" I wonder out loud.

"No." He returns to kissing me but I  move my face to tease him.

"Alright then. Your go."

"OK. Would you rather be in a coma for five years and wake up to an apocalypse or witness the apocalypse and die in the blast?"

"Die in the blast."

"What why?" He asks.

"Because when you wake up from the coma, all of your loved ones could possibly be dead. So I'd rather die with them than have to live with the pain." I reply.

"Woah. That's deep." He replies.

"What would you rather do?" I ask.


"What why?" I ask shocked.

"Because I'll be able to live in a apocalypse and be a badass!" He laughs.

"True. That would be awesome."

"OK, so what if you had the choice to be with your loved ones, what would you choose?" He asks.


"Why?" He asks hiding a smile.

"Because I'd get to live in a apocalypse!" I reply with excitement. Ollie laughs at my response.

"Brilliant." Our laughter dies down and Ollie's face turn serious as well as mine.

"What are you thinking?" I ask while brushing my fingers across his lips.

"Just how much I'm going to miss you." He replies with his eyes closed. I smile sadly at his response.

"I know. I'm going to miss you too." I reply.

"What are you going to miss the most about me?" He asks.

"Hm. Well, your corniness is definitely one of them." I laugh and Ollie smiles at my response. "Seriously, I'll miss your care. Your care for everyone around you. Your too selfless you know that?" I ask.

"You make me sound like some sort of saint." He laughs.

"You're my saint." I reply.

"Who's the one being corny now?!" He laughs.

"I'm sorry, I had to." I giggle.

"What would you miss about me?" I ask.

"Everything. You." He replies. "You're my everything." He finishes.

"You're so corny." I smile lightly.

"Seriously, before I met you, I was a mess. Even ask Hunter. I'm scared that when you're gone, I'll be the same mess I was before." He smiles sadly.

"You're not going to be a mess Ollie. I'll make the others promise me that. I love you too much for you to go insane." I smile.

"I love you too." He replies and buries his head in the crook of my neck. I let out a small yawn and Ollie moves so I can lay down next to him. I rest my head by his chest and his arms snake around me. I look up to him to find him looking down at me. I give him a sleepy smile and snuggle closer into him. I eyes drift shut and I feel a feather of a kiss on my head which is then followed with Ollie resting his chin there.


Another chapter finished. It's nearly finished and now I'm getting really sad. I'm not ready to say goodbye to these characters yet...

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