Chapter 2: A Blast To The Past

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The day continues as it is. Walking as the lone soldier through the corridors, avoiding any possible eye contact. What. So. Ever. I've been talked at,  but never to. It's final period (World History. Again.) I'm too busy staring out the window to pay any attention to Mr. Bridgen talking about Germany after The First World War. Basic stuff.

The thing I don't understand about high-school is when a new person arrives every student sees it as an opportunity to bully them or intimidate them. I'm a normal human being. They probably do it because they see us as fresh meat to scare because they're bored with the old ones.

I remember the first time I moved school. It was in elementary school I was in the second grade. My Mom decided to move around and across America a lot. The first school I moved to was Elk Valley Elementary School. Because it was my first move I thought everything would go smoothly, nothing could go wrong with a new girl who always wore glasses too big. That's not delusional at all!

I was sitting on a bench watching the laughter spread around, others playing tag. But there's always one person who decides to pick on the new vulnerable student. Of course I was small and fragile as any other seven year old child would be.

But this girl was an evil child. I was just sitting there casually eating my sandwich as you do, when she walked over to me. Her long blonde pony tails swaying behind her, her chubby arms folded across her chest with a smug look on her face. Her name was Olivia. She was chubby, gross and evil. Three in one. I thought. And I laughed at the thought once she stood in front of me. Her large body blocked the sun from my eyes, causing the area to be shady and dark.

Her little friends stood behind her copying her stance with changing  expressions, first smug and now angry because I laughed.

"What you laughing at freak?" Olivia asked. She did intimidate me and whenever I feel anxious or scared at any strength, I would stutter.

"N-nothing." I replied as calmly as I could and pushed my glasses up.

"Don't stutter! It's rude." She snapped.

Of course I couldn't help this tiny pointless issue I had.

"I-I can't h-help i-it." Now it was harder to keep my voice under control.

"What did I just say? Don't stutter you freak." I didn't speak after that.

"Cat got your tongue?" She asked in a teasing voice.

She turned away and I hear her mumble "Freak" under her breath. If there was one thing I hated, it was that shit.

I stood up and put my sandwich down.

"I'm the freak?" I asked. I was surprised my voice was strong.

Olivia stopped in her tracks and turned back to glare at me questioningly.

"Did I stutter?" I asked in an angry voice. She never replied and she started to walk off again.

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest. This caught her attention. She turned back around and stormed towards me and my poor peanut butter sandwich, merely stopping two feet away from me. Bingo.

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" she asks fighting a scowl.

"I think the question is 'What makes you think you can talk to me like that?'" I answer back keeping my chin up and shoulders back.

"You will regret this you know. Talking to me like that." She replies. Dumb ass.

She walks off again and I shout to her, "Nice meeting you." I dipped this in a bowl of sarcasm and threw it at her big gross face.

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